[NetBehaviour] netbehaviour

clemos cl3mos at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 17:23:39 CEST 2005

hi all
hi marc

I have been searching a message in the netbehaviour archive, and
realized that the archive begins with the "second" version of
netbehaviour (?).
is there another archive of the mailing list before the Great Crash somewhere ?

by the way, what I was looking for is a work which was forwarded here
(probably by marc...). I don't really remember whose work it was and
have a blurred memory of it : I remember it was a Flash work (or
something close to that :) ), a kind of (fictive ?) diary of a
security agent, with visual works / photos dealing with security
that's all I can remember, and I didn't manage to find any further
infos on the web...
well, if someone actually remember this work and manages to find it in
its own archive, bookmark, ..., I would really be pleased :)


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