[NetBehaviour] Fw: [Urbanscreens-l] FW: UNESCO Digital Arts Award 2005: Call forparticipation - ³Cities and creative media²

Stefan Immelmann-Winter sim.winter at soy.de
Fri Aug 5 20:25:57 CEST 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mirjam Struppek" <struppek at interactionfield.de>
To: "Urbanscreens" <urbanscreens-l at listcultures.org>
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 1:17 AM
Subject: [Urbanscreens-l] FW: UNESCO Digital Arts Award 2005: Call 
forparticipation - ³Cities and creative media²

> ------ Weitergeleitete Nachricht
> Von: "digiarts" <digiarts at unesco.org>
> Datum: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 20:05:48 +0200
> An: <institutions-digiarts-clt at lists.unesco.org>
> Betreff: [institutions-digiarts-clt] UNESCO Digital Arts Award 2005: Call
> for participation
> Call for participation: UNESCO Digital Arts Award 2005
> Young artists from around the world are invited to take part in this 
> year¹s
> award devoted to the theme of ³Cities and creative media².  Organized in
> collaboration with Art Center Nabi, the Award would be delivered to
> non-realized project proposals in order to embrace a wider audience of
> creators, who have the innovative artistic ideas but not necessarily the
> means.
> The call specifically aims at encouraging young emerging artists to
> cultivate new forms of expressions using new media and technology in
> reflecting on how urban spaces and city environments could be transformed
> into creative outlets.
> The submission deadline is 14 September 2005.  All project proposals 
> should
> be submitted online at the official website of submission
> (http://www.nabi.or.kr/unesco_award), where participants will also be able
> to find further detailed information (description of sub-themes, general
> guidelines, submission criteria, etc).  All submissions should be in
> English.
> The total prize money is US $10,000, which would be divided into and given
> to more than one laureate, in some cases a group of artists.  In addition,
> the Nabi center (Seoul, Republic of Korea) is organizing a ³special 
> honorary
> mention² category to the Award, targeting realized projects that could be
> re-embodied within the urban context of the city Seoul.
> The award-winning projects would be selected by an international jury,
> assembled on this occasion representing the five geo-cultural regions
> (Africa, Arab States, Asia/Pacific, Europe/North America, and Latin
> America/Caribbean).
> For more information, contact:
> unesco_award at nabi.or.kr
> digiarts at unesco.org
> UNESCO DigiArts portal: http://portal.unesco.org/digiarts
> ------ Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht
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