[NetBehaviour] Electric Greenhouse 2 (Digital Arts Residency) uk.

marc marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Mon Aug 15 15:07:42 CEST 2005

*Electric Greenhouse 2
*Digital Arts Residency

Artquest and b3 media present a three-month, project-based, digital arts 
residency for three London - based visual artists.
/Electric Greenhouse/ is designed for artists with a strong interest in 
the exploration of art through technology, offering a chance to develop 
their practice including:

    * Bespoke training and support
    * Free access to high grade hardware / software
    * Networking opportunities
    * a showcase event of work produced during the residency.

For further information call 020 7514 6493 or visit 
www.artquest.org.uk/greenhouse2 <http://www.artquest.org.uk/greenhouse2>
For information about the previous /Electric Greenhouse/ residency visit 
- http://www.artquest.org.uk/events/greenhouse.html
Deadline: Friday 7th  October 2005

We particularly welcome applications from artists from culturally 
diverse backgrounds.
Artquest is the advice and information service for London's visual 
artists and craftspeople
b3 media is a non-profit arts production network supporting filmmakers and
digital artists by providing a unique platform for showcasing fresh and
cutting-edge work  (small font)
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