[NetBehaviour] signal+ noise 2006 - call for submissions

marc marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Sun Aug 21 14:12:14 CEST 2005

*signal+ noise 2006 - call for submissions*

Here is the new Call for Submissions
for the 2006 signal and noise festival!!

Celebrating its sixth year, the Signal & Noise Festival will be 
presenting a rousing program of video, live sound performance, 
multi-channel electroacoustic compositions, installation and 
performance. This year's theme is: Body, Bodier, Bodiest.: Exercises in 
Physical Potentials

We invite you to submit work based on the following themes:

Demonstrations of astonishing physical & auditory antics, remarkable 
feats, capers, and daring interventions in public space. Live-action and 
pre-recorded acts of prowess, skill, dexterity, heroism, virtuosity, 
daring, cunning, or just plain self-importance for an evening in 
celebration of the show-off.

Fluids and Functions
Works dealing with the internal and external structure of the human or 
non-human body. Interpretations of internal and external elements, 
including body systems, sounds, actions, environment, and metaphysical 

The Macabre
Unsettling offerings that affect the body or mind. Recordings, 
installations, and performances born of the grotesque. Inspired 
distortions of the natural body into absurdity, ugliness, or caricature. 
Interdisciplinary work testing the body's strengths, weaknesses, and 
physical limitations.

Please check the website:
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