[NetBehaviour] Westerners and Easterners see the world differently
marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Tue Aug 23 14:22:17 CEST 2005
Hi Dion,
Yeah - I get your point here definately.
I thought it interesting to post the article to see if anyone disputes
its context, what is being proposed.
It is also interesting to take note that nation states, their
governments - do tend to create and promote certain 'branded'
stereotypical personalities of their own countries which sends a
confusing message to all outsiders.
If we were to judge each country as a personality, like above, what
would China be? In fact what would the UK, Croatia and all countries be?
And can the many inner regions inside those states act as micro
personalities? If so, then the government (in an artificial sense) could
represent certain egos of these states.
> Here's a shrink from the US saying "Chinese and American people see
> the world differently - literally" which is his totally black and
> white versus white and black gray divisiveness, trying to convince
> all of us that i am the same as every other fucing american that was
> born anyplace but china, or wherever he qualifies as not or
> as america....what the hell You, or him or americans. This is another
> fuckin' problem...i am a poor white-black0oaborigianal man born in
> america and i am the same as a rich white man born in america to a
> poor but rich in spirit grey family, and do you too look in grey,
> gray, black, white or shades of all the worlds' wonders... we are all
> the same as all rich men in china who are certainly all the same as
> everyperson in as is everyplace everywhere where everyone considers
> more everyone who is more the same than any difference that
> anyoneshrink attempts to convince that all poor humans are the same as
> all poor humans anywhere as rich as poor can be....
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