[NetBehaviour] Alt.Space.Alliance tomorrow in london
Ruth Catlow
ruth.catlow at furtherfield.org
Fri Aug 26 13:58:58 CEST 2005
For anyone in or around london tomorrow. This looks like something!
Invite to reading group and general meeting
Saturday 27 August 2005
reading group 6-8 p.m.
alt.space.alliance overall meeting 8 p.m.
address: 4 Lloyd Square, London WC1X 9BA (10 minutes
from Angel; 15 minutes from King’s Cross)
Please, feel free to forward this invitation to
friends and allies you think may be interested in
joining us.
alt.space.alliance is a newly formed and forming
global alternative space, artists’ collective and
nomadic projects alliance. The idea behind the
initiative is to try to generate a set of close
alliances between a number of groups, collectives and
spaces working collaboratively with politically
engaged and interventionist practices, partly as a way
to maintain an on-going dialogue around the
different strategies and tactics at our disposal, and
partly as a platform for exchange of material and
archives for screening, display, etc. at least
partially outside of institutional and commercial
systems of distribution, and for the development of
collaborations and other forms of interaction
(arranging/hosting events, lectures, guests,
travelling between cities and contexts, etc.). After
attending meetings in Chicago, a few folks initiated
the formation of a local group to be linked,
hopefully, to emerging alt.space.alliance cells in
various locations throughout the world.
At informal picnics in interesting physical spaces (a
city skyscraper’s rooftop, an East London cemetary),
aims of the group have been clarified and expanded.
Alt.spaces occur as an emergent dialogue about spaces,
in spaces; this alt.spaces 'cell' is based in, and
therefore focused on London. alt.space.alliance
London will feature reading groups, project
presentations, and other member-led initiatives, with
the ends of bridging the familiar theory-practise
divide and ultimately, of ‘making stuff’ (what some
call ‘art’ though
we recognise the provisionality of the term).
The proposed series of reading groups and gatherings
intend to explore the political economy of our space,
both practically and theoretically. The group
conceives of alt.spaces in a number of ways
with ‘alternative’ ‘space’ traversing individual,
collective, and geographic levels: creating spaces of
intimacy and face-to-face connection; exploring spaces
for producing and distributing art outside dominant
avenues; critically responding to the politics of the
space of our city as well as contributing to more
humane ways of using
and developing the geographic space so as to benefit
everyone. As we look to connect activism, theory,
reading and art around the question of space in
London, developments such as the Olympic bid may
provide opportunities for explicit projects along
these lines.
The next meeting of the London alt.space.alliance will
be on Saturday 27 August. As a more expansive
kick-off of the group, this meeting
will be comprised of two parts – first, a reading
group from 6-8 p.m.(pot luck food to be shared during
the discussion), and second, the
meeting proper (discussion and consensus-based
decision-making about what the group will do next,
beyond this initial reading group).
The reading group will focus on the first 20 pages of
Chapter 2, ‘Social Space’, of The Production of Space
by Henri Lefebvre. You
can find the text on:
After the 20th August meeting, the reading group will
meet separately on a bi-weekly basis. The overall
group’s meetings will be held monthly, on the third
Saturday evening of the month. (Note that folks who
attend the ‘regular’ meeting of the alliance are not
required to attend the reading group – and vice versa,
and others are invited to
start up reading groups or other initiatives that
reflect their interests as well.)
date: Saturday 27 August 2005
time: Lefebvre reading group 6-8 p.m. (pot luck
dinner during)
alt.space.alliance overall meeting 8 p.m.
address: 4 Lloyd Square, London WC1X 9BA
10 minutes from Angel; 15 minutes from
King’s Cross
BYOB (and for reading group, bring some
food to share)
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