[NetBehaviour] hello......jeremy hight here....I am launching an online exhibition

hight at 34n118w.net hight at 34n118w.net
Sat Aug 27 00:31:23 CEST 2005


Thanks.  Our goal is to build the site architecture over time as organic
and unified, ie: it adjusts to each new set of work structurally.  The
problem so often discussed with online/networked art is that of
space,storage and ephemerality.  The idea is that as the site grows over
time it creates a structure where the "archive" is not a secondary and
distancing link from the active exhibition,but instead there is no
archive, but an evolution in the site space.  As a net artist I have seen
shows go offline, sites go dead, archives become broken links or simply
semioticall imply a moment passed and a secondary state of presentation.

The hope also is to connect artists and sites beyond simply having a space
for a project to be presented.    It is early, so these concepts will
evolve as we move into more exhibitions.



Hi Jeremy,
> I visited Binarykatwalk.net today and find this great. I'd like to know
> how you define your function / role compared to an institutional one,
> within the 'mediation time and space' for online/networked art ?
> hight(at)34n118w.net wrote:
>> Binarykatwalk.net
>> Binarykatwalk announces the launch of its first edition.  Binary Katwalk
>> is an on-line New  Media exhibition focusing on work that is
>> experimental
>> and would benefit from this non-traditional exhibition space.   The goal
>> of the site is to unify works over time into one expanding and unified
>> exhibition as opposed to specific exhibitions that open and then close
>> or
>> go to a secondary archive.  It is co-curated by Jeremy Hight and Sindee
>> Nakatani.
>> Come to Binary Katwalk to see the work of 5 strong artists from very
>> different points in the spectrum of New Media.
>> We are proud to present the  work of :
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