[NetBehaviour] Manual for N55 ROCKET SYSTEM

marc marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Tue Aug 30 17:24:54 CEST 2005

*Manual for N55 ROCKET SYSTEM*


The N55 ROCKET SYSTEM enables persons to communicate their protest in a 
concrete way. It is a low tech, low cost, highly efficient hybrid rocket 
propulsion system, fueled by a mixture of polyethylene and laughing gas 
The N55 ROCKET SYSTEM makes it possible to distribute various things 
from high altitudes. For example, printed matter or plant seeds could be 
spread over a vast area.The rocket PROTEST, constructed to protest 
against large concentrations of power, can carry a payload of 2 kg to an 
altitude of approximately 5200 m, if launched from an angle of 85 
degrees. The fuel will burn for 6 seconds, bringing the rocket to a 
maximum speed of 475 m/s. The N55 ROCKET SYSTEM has been equipped with a 
parachute and can be reused when a mission is completed. The ROCKET 
SYSTEM is part of the N55 SPACE PROGRAMME, which aims at creating space 
for persons and making space technology accessible and useful in 
everyday life situations.

Political background:

Big corporations increasingly decide over and profit on vast dominions 
of human existence. Formerly common things such as land, water, the air 
(the rights to pollute) are being monopolised. Food is being polluted by 
GMOs introduced without any public knowledge. The traditional means of 
protesting through street manifestations and via formal channels seem 
inadequate for invoking changes in the present dangerous and 
undemocratic situation. As people in power fail to live up to their 
social responsibilities, and let populations down by favouring 
concentrations of power, the need for new means of expression emerges.
Relatively advanced technology is normally only available to 
concentrations of power such as governments or corporations, or a few 
highly specialised individuals. The N55 SPACE PROGRAMME, and the N55 
ROCKET SYSTEM, is part of an effort to distribute and give persons in 
general access to specialised knowledge and technology.

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