[NetBehaviour] CALL FOR ENTRIES: - 21st Century village green ?

Robb Mitchell robbathon at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 30 19:04:16 CEST 2005

CALL FOR ENTRIES: Community Green - 21st Century “village green” competition 
(Deadline: register by 14th September)

COMMUNITY GREEN: a communication ideas competition

WHO: architects, designers, artists, performers, scientists, programmers, 
technologists and others interested in ideas of what an urban 21st century 
village green might be. Open to individuals and teams.

WHAT: Interdisciplinary ideas competition. Four short listed teams with 
expertise in both artistic and
science/technology fields will develop full proposals / prototypes. From 
these 4 prototypes/presentations, one entry will be selected for permanent
installation/deployment (pending confirmation of further funding).

WHERE: Registered contributors will develop detailed proposals/prototypes 
for public spaces (whether
physical or networked/virtual) of Pollokshields, Glasgow.
Short-listed proposals will be exhibited/presented at
Radius Glasgow and Glasgow Science Centre.

WHEN: Oct 05 – Feb 06

WHY: Community Green aims to
-- Raise awareness about sustainable approaches to building, regenerating 
and reanimating a community
-- Focus attention on the role that digital and other technologies, 
especially those that have a low environmental impact, can play 
creatively/artistically in the fostering of greater communication and 
participation within a community.
-- Connect, socially and geographically, the diverse areas of the 
Pollokshields neighbourhood in Glasgow’s Southside through the use of 
communication technologies.

FEE: £1000 each for four short-listed team interdisciplinary teams to 
develop full proposals (entry is also open to individuals - see web site for 
full details).

TO APPLY: send a brief expression of interest (500 words MAXIMUM) and CV / 
brief biography to
green at mediascot.org by 14th September.

For full details click “Community Green” under
"Programmes" at http://www.mediascot.org

DEADLINE: register with a brief statement & CV/Biog by
14th September.

Community Green is organised by Radius Glasgow and New Media Scotland in 
association with Sust: The Lighthouse on Sustainability and Glasgow Science 

New Media Scotland is a development agency supporting experimentation at the 
intersection of art, science &
technology. New Media Scotland is a registered charity core funded by The 
Scottish Arts Council.
Next Upgrade! event : Wednesday 28th September

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