[NetBehaviour] etoy at BURNING MAN

marc marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Wed Aug 31 03:18:31 CEST 2005

*29.8.-4.9.2005: etoy at BURNING MAN.
-> black rock city / nevada desert.
LISTA corporation <http://lista.com> and etoy offer 15
arcanum capsules - to travel space
and time forever - to people with a
life expectancy of up to 5 years:

are you: a) going to BURNING MAN and
b) interested in a digital trip
between life and death? contact:
pilot at etoy.com <mailto:pilot at etoy.com> (before saturday so
etoy.AGENTS can meet you on irc to
explain the details). the non-commercial
nature of this event is your unique chance
for a free ride on MISSION ETERNITY.

BTW: etoy is looking for ride sharing.
if you come from reno -> end of email.

8.9.2005 opening of the BERLIN SHOW
"produkt&vision" kunstfabrik flutgraben

10.9.2005 / 9PM / BERLIN / PARTY
etoy.PLATOON friendly fire v1.2 and
BYE BYE BERLIN after a cool*summer,
excellent GM/work conditions & fun.
code word: etoy.INVESTOR (for free
entrance and platoon/etoy tank tour)
LOCATION: weinmeisterstr 3 / mitte

2006: ISEA2006 / ZeroOne SAN JOSE.
official: etoy reboots usa market.
etoy was just selected to implement
MISSION ETERNITY (global release) as
a major interactive city project. jury
member comment: "very strong; definitely
the most intriguing of the proposals
that I read." more information follows.

BM RIDE SHARING WANTED for two agents from
reno airport. window: 28.8. 11PM - 29.9. 11AM.
if you like to join/share: driver at etoy.com <mailto:driver at etoy.com>
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