[NetBehaviour] “The Holy Grail Is A Universal Sensor...”

marc marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Wed Aug 31 16:46:38 CEST 2005

*“The Holy Grail Is A Universal Sensor...”*

Here's the good stuff from a massive and chilling report on the future 
of surveillance from Business Week Online:

Britain has 4 million video cameras monitoring streets, parks, and 
government buildings, more than any other country. London alone has 
500,000 cameras watching for signs of illicit activity. [...]

Research laboratories envision tools that could identify and track just 
about every person, anywhere -- and sound alarms when the systems 
encounter hazardous objects or chemical compounds. Many such ideas seem 
to leap from the pages of science fiction: An artificial nose in 
doorways and corridors sniffs out faint traces of explosives on 
someone's hair. Tiny sensors floating in reservoirs detect a deadly 
microbe and radio a warning. Smart cameras ID people at a distance by 
the way they walk or the shape of their ears. And a little chemical lab 
analyzes the sweat, body odor, and skin flakes in the human thermal 
plume -- the halo of heat that surrounds each person. [...]

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