[NetBehaviour] CHARACTER: new work from tats @ runme

tats info at tats.name
Thu Dec 1 04:29:46 CET 2005

Characters allows you to participate in the building of an online 
dictionary of names. You can add your own name/definition to it. You can 
also create new names/definitions through an evolutionary process.

This work came out of a series of questions I kept asking myself about 
how one's name relates to one's identity. What does a name tell about a 
person? Can a name influence the course of a life? How do names evolve 
through time? What differentiates names and nouns? The result isn't 
meant to be an answer to these questions whatsoever: it's more like 
another way to ask them.

The software is coded with standard web languages: HTML, CSS, PHP and 
MySQL. At its core lies a genetic algorithm that is able to mutate and 
crossbreed chains of characters. The complete source code is distributed 
under the Gnu GPL.

On runme:

Project's website:

++ tats
-> http://tats.name

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