[NetBehaviour] Call for Papers: Digital Games

marc marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Fri Dec 9 16:16:38 CET 2005

Call for Papers: Digital Games

Call for Papers: Open Session "Cultural Studies and the Research of
Digital Games" at: Crossroads Conference at Istanbul Bilgi University
(Turkey) http://www.crossroads2006.org 20-23 July 2006

The investigation of computer games still is a field seldomly considered
in academic research. In contrast to this, a large public interest in
the possible "effects" of computer and video games exists, which seems
understandable since this "leisure time activity" plays an increasingly
central role in the life of many young people and adults. Thus game
research has to examine potentials of meaning, patterns of interaction
and readings contained in the representations of the game and their
influence on the player's "lifeworld". The actual forms of appropriation
of this "new" medium vary widely e.g. different forms of identity
construction and community building, therefore the following session
search for papers that address a wide range of topics and focus
especially on the relationship between Cultural Studies and game

To submit a paper to this session, please send an abstract of maximum
150 words to the Session Organizer Markus Wiemker (markus at wiemker.org).
The deadline for the submission of papers is January 18, 2006.

Best wishes, Markus Wiemker
Markus Wiemker
Lecturer for New Media
University of Applied Sciences
Media Management, St. Pölten, Austria
Heinrich-Schneidmadl-Str. 15
lbwiemker at fh-stpoelten.ac.at
Tel.: +43 2742 313 228 416
Fax: +43 2742 313 228 409
markus at wiemker.org

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