[NetBehaviour] spacer.gif{ART}

mark cooley flawedart at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 17 01:37:47 CET 2005

here's a new piece - a parody of
http://softwareartspace.com and more.

> http://spacergifart.com
> Obsolescence meets timelessness in new Art form.
> What is a "spacer.gif"?
> The spacer.gif is a means, employed by web
designers, of keeping 
table based layouts from collapsing in on themselves.
The spacer.gif was 
once a valuable tool in a net world governed by the
interdependence of 
content and layout. However, to the contemporary
high-efficiency web 
designer, who employs css formatting and layout
capabilities, spacer gifs 
are largely an obsolete and unnecessary tool. The
independence of 
content from layout has come, and spacer gifs, as a
concept and as digital 
objects, are disappearing.
> What is spacer.gif{ART}?
> As the digital culture industry forges on to virtual
territories yet 
unseen, spacer.gif{ART} hopes to salvage small pieces
of the wreckage 
left behind. spacer.gif{ART} produces and distributes
limited edition 
archival prints of spacer.gif image files downloaded
directly from the 
web by our highly skilled team of curators and
techno-conservators.  Our 
portfolio collections represent a dying breed of often
unknown artists 
who utilize(d) the tools of a rapidly fading past to
extraordinary table-based web design experiences. Our
curatorial staff hand picks 
the most extraordinary examples of the spacer.gif to
offer to you, our 
patron, as handsome limited edition archival prints.
> We plan on offering a range of newly discovered
works and will be 
limiting the amount of prints produced and sold. There
will only be 10 
copies each print portfolio printed. 10 additional
individual prints will 
be made of each piece for patrons interested in
collecting individual 
works or assembling custom portfolios from individual
works. Once the 
final prints have been made, all spacer.gif files will
be permanently 
deleted from our hard drives.
> http://spacergifart.com

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