[NetBehaviour] damned writings
Alan Sondheim
sondheim at panix.com
Thu Oct 6 05:48:58 CEST 2005
damned writings
for those who can handle the bandwidth and don't mind tarballs, my writings are
around 18 megabytes below - download and untar -
this is all of my work for the past 12 years plus selected -
your download will guarantee their survival -
metastases -
- alan
actant actants aesthetic aether alan alterities Alterity Amidah analogic app
archaea aristotelian arounds asondheim audion audiophiles authorial avatar
avatars awk BBS bio biomes blogging blogs bookshops bricolage bushido bvh
castrated cd cdrom CEN Centre chora circumlocuted circumscription clits clots
codework codeworks coherencies collocations com Compaq complicit
consciousnesses consensualities cordons cunt cunts Cybermind cyberspace cyborg
cyborgs d'eruza d'nala dancework decathexis deconstructed deconstructing
deconstruction deconstructs deerflies defuge denudation Derrida desiccated
destabilization dhtml diachronically diachrony diegesis diegetic differance
differend Difilter disassociating discomforted disinvestment distantiation
Distributivities DSL ecologies effusions emanants emergences empathetic
empathized encapsulations entasic entropic episteme ethernet everglades exe
experientials extasis extensivity externality extinctions extrusions
familiality fantasm fantasmic fasciatus feedforward fictivity filmmaker
filmstock fingerboard foofwa genidentity geomatics gesturally gigabytes Google
grep gridlines halfgroupoid hee hemiptera hir hirself historiographies holarchy
htm html http hyperreality i'd i'm i've idealities ideogrammar ikonic
imaginaries immersivities incompletes indexicality informatics inscriptive
interiority internality internet interpenetrating interpenetrations
introjections isp izanagi java javascript Jen jennifer jewish jisatsu
jouissance jpg judgmental julu kanji Kebara kwat Lacan landbirds languaging
latinate lejeune lifeworld liguus liminal linksys linux literarily LOL lpmud
machinic magatama manifesto Marvellous mathematization mathesis mediaspace
menued miami microworlds minefields Moab moron morphing morphs mov ms Mt
multiculturalisms Myouka nakasukawabata nano Nara narcissism narratology
neighborhooding Netscape neurophysiologies newbies nietzsche nijinsky nikuko
Nikuko's nostalgias NYC objecthood oeuvre offline ontologies org organelles
Panamarenko panix particulation paysage PDA peerings performativity periphyton
perl phantasms phenomenologist physico playnt pneumosphere poolings postmodern
postmodernism postmodernity pre presentification Prespace primordials
problematized problematizes problematizing protolanguage psychoanalytical
psychoanalytics qbasic realspace rearticulation rebirths redhat regimens
reifications reinscribed reinscription releasement rills RNA romola rotifera
runnels Sagdish satori sawgrass seamount sed sememe sememes Semiology semiosis
semiotics sexualities shakuhachi shamisen sheffer shimenawa shinjuu shithead
signifiers simulacra sions skeining skeins Snoxfly sondheim soundwork sourcess
spam speakings specicide stentor stromatolite structuralism subgroupoids
subjectivities Subsonic subtext subtexted susan symbologies Sysadmins systemics
tamiami taxonomies techne teledildonics teleologies temporality tendrils terns
tessellations thanatopoesis tion tions tr trAce traceroute tracert trans tropes
txt typifications ulpan ums unfoldings unhinging URL URLs valium vicodin
videowork virtualities vlf voiceovers VRML Waypoint webboard webcam Webpage
Webpages website websites wetware wetwares WiFi willets worlding wryting www
yamabushi ytalk zaurus zazen
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