[NetBehaviour] People Like Us DVD Launch Party

David Rogerson david at sonicartsnetwork.org
Fri Oct 7 11:59:05 CEST 2005

**Apologies for cross-postings**

People Like Us DVD Launch Party

Thursday 20 October 2005, Everyman Cinema Club, Hampstead, London

Sonic Arts Network and Lux in association with Lumin present the launch of
the People Like Us DVD ­ 'Story Without End'. The event will be held at the
beautiful and luxurious Everyman cinema club in Hampstead and will feature a
live AV performance by People Like Us plus film screenings and a DJ set by
Rough Trade¹s Simon Russell.

Since 1992 People Like Us has been making CDs, radio and A/V, animating and
recontextualising found footage to create collages with a dark, witty and
surrealistic view of popular culture. People Like Us also produces an
ongoing weekly experimental arts radio show on the freeform New York radio
station WFMU, called ŒDO or DIY¹. (http://www.peoplelikeus.org)

'Story Without End' is the most recent film from People Like Us.
Commissioned by Sonic Arts Network, the film uses footage from the Prelinger
Archives and AV Geeks. It addresses the ever changing technologies of the
20th Century; the hopes and aspirations of these innovations being the same
hopes and aspirations we hold today.

The 'Story Without End' DVD features a collection of films by People Like Us
and will be available at a special launch price at the event.

TIME: 20.00 ­ 23.00

DATE: Thursday 20 October 2005


VENUE: Everyman Cinema Club, Hampstead

TRAVEL INFORMATION: Tube ­ Hampstead; BR ­ Hampstead Heath; Bus ­ 46, 268 &
250; Parking - Free parking on pay and display after 18.00

Tickets now available from www.sonicartsnetwork.org

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