Doug Moss dougmoss at emagazine.com
Mon Oct 24 21:28:27 CEST 2005

Dear Colleague,

Are you gearing up for your end-of-year holiday fundraising campaigns?

E - The Environmental Magazine has a program that can help you increase donations to your organization and build membership.

It's called our "PREMIUM PROGRAM" and it involves offering potential members or donors a FREE E Magazine subscription as an incentive to join or donate money to your organization.

Dozens of organizations, large and small, local and national, use E's program successfully already.

I'd like to interest you in participating in this "win-win" opportunity
to build membership and raise money for your work, while enabling E (we're nonprofit like you) to reach more readers.

Please go to this link for details: 
http://www.emagazine.com/view?2041. From there, if you are interested, there is a link to a sign-up form. Once you sign up I can get you started right away.

Thanks for taking a look! Feel free to call or e-mail me with
any questions.


Doug Moss
E - The Environmental Magazine
doug at emagazine.com

To unsubscribe please send an email to dougmoss at emagazine.com with the word "remove" in the subject line.

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