[NetBehaviour] Sugar Hiccup : Applet 2 of The Deitel Mods

Geert Dekkers geert at nznl.com
Sat Sep 3 08:40:36 CEST 2005


The text disappears off the side on my comp -- ibook running macos  
10.4.2 java version "1.4.2_07"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_07-215)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-50, mixed mode)


On 2-sep-2005, at 16:13, Lewis LaCook wrote:

> Sugar Hiccup
> Applet 2 of The Deitel Mods
> http://lewislacook.corporatepa.com/the_deitel_mods/content.php? 
> page=sugarhiccup
> The Deitel Mods is a series of variations on an applet
> based on examples found in the book Java How to
> Program (Prentice Hall, 1998) by H.M. and P.J. Deitel.
> The book is an oft-used textbook for computer
> programming students wishing to learn web programming
> using the Open Source, cross-platform language Java.
> Most of the mods are generative/reactive media
> engines. Graphics are drawn live, sometimes as a
> result of your input(moving the mouse, clicking the
> mouse, etc.). The poem is assembled live as well, and
> is sometimes influenced by your actions. The poem
> accumulates with each applet, each applet adding a
> line to the previous one. Each line of the poem is
> randomly chosen from an accumulation of lines; each
> applet adds another accumulation to accomodate the new
> line.
> ********************************************************************** 
> *****
> No More Movements...
> Lewis LaCook -->Poet-Programmer|||http:// 
> lewislacook.corporatepa.com/|||
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