[NetBehaviour] "Bitter times, I wish I could reassure you." testing

aabrahams aabrahams at bram.org
Sun Aug 13 12:09:14 CEST 2006

"Bitter times, I wish I could reassure you."
.news series.


I used a movie from http://www.beirutletters.org , several
realvideofiles from "rassur" on bram.org and internetsources as De
Volkskrant, BBC, CNN and Bild etc.
Remark this piece depends on the content of the first page of some
important news magazines.

It uses pop ups, Realplayer and Quicktime plugin, and needs a fast
connexion and computer.

PS I made this work during the last few days. Please mail me if you
have troubles reading, watching it. I guess it is about three minutes


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