[NetBehaviour] model model model

neil jenkins neil at furtherfield.org
Mon Aug 14 23:00:57 CEST 2006

map map map

On 14 Aug 2006, at 16:37, Alan Sondheim wrote:

> model model model
> http://www.asondheim.org/tre.mp4 short video of stills from scanner to
> Geomagic to Blender and spherical mappings; last night the rationale
> behind these came clear in a dream; this morning disappeared; the tree
> maps onto the tree; within the real; the optical apparatus; the digital
> maps onto the digital; protocol between the two; but that the digital
> spews into the analogic; returns to the dream as dismembering, 
> disassem-
> bling, dissembling; that the tree is a world; of numerical values; that
> these values are cauterized; extruded from irrationals; that they never
> return; that they themselves are taken apart; reconfigured; that the
> infinite journey of such mappings is inherently uncanny; that the real
> gnaws always already at the digital; the tree is the tree of the 
> imagin-
> ary; as in Saussure; Wittgenstein's family of usages; what is a 
> family?;
> what is familiality?; familiar?; that the totality of such mappings is 
> the
> result of extrusions, collapses, creations, annihilations, 
> duplications;
> that it is the result of totality, overall operations; that no bit or 
> byte
> is singled out from any other; that these computations are 
> plankton-maw;
> that nothing is distinguished precisely _in order to distinguish_; that
> what emerges is close to the perspective-sublime; black-hole vanishing-
> point; that there are trees of numbers and numbers of trees; that there
> digital hands and handsful of digits; model model model.
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