[NetBehaviour] The Patriot Act

Lewis LaCook llacook at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 17 21:20:47 CEST 2006

 The Patriot Act http://www.lewislacook.org/netcinema/the_patriot_act.mov
 Quick Time Video
 `SEC. 236A. (a) DETENTION OF TERRORIST ALIENS-                    
  `(1) CUSTODY- The Attorney General shall take into custody any alien who is certified under paragraph (3). 
  `(2) RELEASE- Except as provided in paragraphs (5) and (6), the Attorney General shall maintain custody of such an alien until the alien is removed from the United States. Except as provided in paragraph (6), such custody shall be maintained irrespective of any relief from removal for which the alien may be eligible, or any relief from removal granted the alien, until the Attorney General determines that the alien is no longer an alien who may be certified under paragraph (3). If the alien is finally determined not to be removable, detention pursuant to this subsection shall terminate. 
  `(3) CERTIFICATION- The Attorney General may certify an alien under this paragraph if the Attorney General has reasonable grounds to believe that the alien-- 
  `(A) is described in section 212(a)(3)(A)(i), 212(a)(3)(A)(iii), 212(a)(3)(B), 237(a)(4)(A)(i), 237(a)(4)(A)(iii), or 237(a)(4)(B); or   `(B) is engaged in any other activity that endangers the national security of the United States.  

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