marc marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Tue Aug 29 00:02:04 CEST 2006

Hi dave,

I enjoyed exploring your work submitted to Netbehaviour - and wondered 
if for instance, you decided not to use someone such as Shirley Bassey - 
what other situations or themes/people, would you use as a collaboration 
for this piece? It seems as though this piece is very much a type of 
on-line tool and could be expanded as so...


> 'Shirley Bassey Mixed Up' is a collaborative biography: an illustrated
> biography of the legendary diva, where the reader helps to 'mix' the
> illustrations online, using Internet searches.
> http://dev2.manme.org.uk/~davem/bassey_story/
> The biography was inspired by an incident on a TV awards show last
> year, where Bassey was publically humiliated. I felt sad to see this
> happen, and wanted to know more about what led up to this.
> All illustrations are built on-the-fly from live Yahoo searches. By
> specifying different searches and playing with the customisation
> options, the reader creates the illustrations themselves.
> This is a traditional (linear) 14-page story built on top of a
> generative composition tool, that uses Internet search data as its
> input.
> The work can be described as a networked narrative, as a story partly
> created by networked data. Adding unexpected and uncontrolled elements
> to the story influences and changes the presentation, how it's
> experienced and what we take away from it. This shapes the story,
> changing fact into fiction, sometimes disrupting the story.
> As the networked elements are dynamic and largely unpredictable, every
> version of the biography is unique. Your version of the story is
> packaged into booklet form, for you to print and keep.
> About Dave Miller:
> Dave Miller experiments with illustrated stories and networked media.
> More of his work can be seen here:
> http://dev1.manme.org.uk/~davem/davemiller_art_blog
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