[NetBehaviour] Hodgepodge

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Thu Aug 31 09:11:54 CEST 2006

You've heard the sound, seen incrementally both dancers independently in the 
self-same woods / dark thickets of the cultural enterprise, here now in 
combination according to the true nature of things, the ring-tone of 
interplanetary phones, memories recorded long before I was around to record 
them cape-clause or "curlicue." http://www.asondheim.org/bowow.mp4
cape-clause or "curlicue."

death of the reader is announced as a _curlicue_ or diacritical sign, and there 
is almost always the curlicue of the _missing-person_ - the person hides behind 
and portends the rest; the hunter is the curlicue, the forgotten, like this 
post, not even a curlicue, but a _nuance_ to be re- produced within the very 
machination; it's the curlicue of representation and lime, dark curlicues of 
blood, of texts simultaneously presenced, the curlicue on the margins, almost 
excesses such as might be found in ordinary letters. theyn evinces themselves 
precisely in these moments of curlicue, returning back material fortifications 
if it were not true.

there is always that curlicue live forever, and we have inherited that curlicue 
from the structure of spirit. butt there is a sign which is part of the 
curlicue. you must understand - it's the curlicue, the diacritical mark, to the 
effect that 0' -> 1, that leaves us satisfied but of that excess or curlicue 
which _demands._ what won't come off becomes excessive, prosthetic, a curlicue. 
as a warning, what u have termed the _curlicue,_ the index of representation in 
which the two is already three: it is the curlicue of quine that extends by the 
emission related to excess, to surplus, to the curlicue or diacritique; in the 
latter, excess is a production of the CONTRARY an irrevocable form of decay or 
shuddering episteme: the curlicue of which subjectivity is marginal. 
symmetrical results within itself, the *curlicue* or excess of this 
interpenetration, curlicue, hermeneutic circling, lacanian language-skidding) 
remains ANGRY AT SIG.: (signature): depression, collapse, and the curlicue 
SCREEN PHENOMENA. the curlicue, symbolic, delays, continues, is sutured; 
nonetheless, there is always a murmuring or curlicue.

IT murmurs it is not an aura nor is it an excess or a curlicue; it is not 
petit-a or curlicue, something explained over and over again in INTERNET TEXT. 
if the curlicue is the surplus of the signifier, it is also where which 
subjectivity is marginalized or curlicue. symmetry results thus. this and every 
emission is related to excess, to surplus, to the curlicue itself.

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