[NetBehaviour] WATCH MY STUFF!

Regina Pinto arteonline.museum at gmail.com
Thu Dec 28 20:36:20 CET 2006

Dear friends,

1)- Nests and Magic:

"I immediately felt that that this wasn't a coincidence. It couldn't be..."

Participate of my magic experience at:
http://arteonline.arq.br/rufus/magic.html (a magic text, some images and
movies). It is a beautiful message to you start the year of 2007, the
English version is by Sabrina Gledhill and it is the first portion of my
newest e.book "The Invisible Nest - Cities" based on Calvino's "The
Invisible Cities".

2)- Have fun!

*Watercolour of Brazil, by Disney *



A nice 2007 to all,



Regina Célia Pinto

Museum of the Essential and Beyond That


Library of Marvels

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