[NetBehaviour] call for participation

maria miranda maria at out-of-sync.com
Thu Jul 6 05:11:50 CEST 2006

Dear Netbehaviourists and fellow breathers,
We'd like to invite you to contribute to our breath collection at  
'Talking About the Weather' Blog.
Is is very easy, just describe your breath in one word or many...
More info about the project is below. Or you could visit the Blog and  
see for yourself.

If you'd like to contribute to our breath collection email us (hit  
reply) for the login details.
maria + norie

About the Project:

"The air you just exhaled has already spread far and wide. The CO2  
from a breath last week may now be feeding a plant on a distant  
continent, or plankton in a frozen sea. In a matter of months all of  
the CO2 you just exhaled will have dispersed around the planet."    
Tim Flannery, The Weather Makers

Talking About the Weather is an ongoing cross media project exploring  
our own response to the terrifying spectre of global climate change.  
Sheer terror at the possibilities that are being talked about led us  
to 'talking about the weather'. The weather, once a safe way for  
strangers to connect, is now fraught with an edge of danger as  
ominous signs of global warming multiply. In this project weathertalk  
is no longer a banal exchange of local weather forecasts, but instead  
we ask people to donate their breath - the breath which they would  
normally use to talk about the weather and the same breath that is  
spread far and wide as described by Tim Flannery.

Working with breath emphasises the dynamic nature of the atmosphere  
and our part in its creation and destruction. As Tim Flannery says,  
every breath you take makes you part of a dynamic system called the  
atmosphere, or the aerial ocean.

Talking about the Weather involves performative encounters, where we  
perform two Australian visitors to a foreign place asking for  
donations to our breath collection (to be the largest in the world)  
with which we will blow back global warming. These performative  
encounters continue our work with the ’pataphysical mode of an  
imaginary solution for an actual problem… in this case – global warming.

We have been ‘documenting’ the encounters on video and there is a  
link to excerpts on the blog.

During our (July 3-17) new media residency in New Zealand (SCANZ-  
http://www.scanz.net.nz/weathertalk/), we will be collecting more  
breath on the streets of New Plymouth. We will be exhibiting the  
breath collections, including your contributions, at Govett-Brewster  
Gallery in New Zealand in mid July, so please contribute soon.

Who we are:Out-of-Sync is a collaboration between Australian media  
artists Maria Miranda and Norie Neumark . For more info see our  
website: http://www.out-of-sync.com/index.html
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