[NetBehaviour] UPGRADE! BOSTON: New Media and the Poetics of Communication

Turbulence turbulence at turbulence.org
Wed Jul 26 22:47:09 CEST 2006

UPGRADE! BOSTON: New Media and the Poetics of Communication

WHEN: August 1, 7:30-9:30 p.m.
WHERE: Art Interactive, 130 Bishop Allen Drive, at the corner of Prospect
Street, Cambridge. Free parking in the lot on the corner or take the T to
Central Square and walk 1 block.

Adam Brown (Oklahoma, US), Martha Carrer Cruz Gabriel (Brazil) and Michael
Takeo Magruder (UK) -- all exhibiting at SIGGRAPH2006, Boston (July 30 to
August 3) -- will present their work and participate in an informal
discussion; Bonnie Mitchell, SIGGRAPH2006 Art Gallery: Intersections Chair
will moderate.


< Adam Brown >

Adam Brown is a digital artist and inventor. His creative activity is
informed by an intermedia tradition that supports collaboration among
various disciplines resulting in a practice that blends digital media with
physical materials. Brown has exhibited nationally and internationally and
is the recent recipient of a Turbulence commission. He curates Upgrade!
Oklahoma which is hosted by Untitled ArtSpace and The University of
Oklahoma's School of Art. Brown is also a member of the New York Sculptors

<< Martha Carrer Cruz Gabriel >>

Martha Carrer Cruz Gabriel is an engineer, postgraduate in Marketing, and
postgraduate in Graphics Design. Master's Degree in progress on Art &
Technology at University of São Paulo. Web/MM artist, professor at the
Business School and Digital Design Program of the Universidade Anhembi
Morumbi, director of technology at NMD - New Media Developers. Winner of 11
Internet Best Awards from 1998 to 2005. International awarded speaker.
Gabriel has had two Turbulence Spotlights.

<<< Michael Takeo Magruder >>>

Michael Takeo Magruder is an American artist based in the UK who works
within the fields of new and interactive media. He received his formal
education at the University of Virginia, USA, graduating with distinction in
Biological Sciences. His artistic production has been exhibited worldwide
and encompasses an eclectic mix of forms, ranging from futuristic
stained-glass windows, digital light screens and modular light-sculptures to
architectural manipulations, ephemeral video projections and interactive
network installations. His current explorations and research embrace 3D
stereoscopic projection, immersive multi-sensory environments and
interactive non-linear narratives for network/gallery settings. His work in
these fields is presently supported by Turbulence.org, King's Visualisation
Lab: King's College London and Arts Council England. Magruder is the
recipient of two Turbulence commissions.

<<<< Bonnie Mitchell >>>>

Bonnie Mitchell is an Associate Professor in Digital Arts at Bowling Green
State University, Ohio, USA where she teaches time-based media with a focus
on artistic expression and technical problem solving. With degrees in Art
Education, Visual Design/Computer Art and Computer Science she focuses on
curriculum that is artistic, technical and cross-disciplinary in nature. She
typically teaches interactive media, experimental animation, particle
systems and dynamics, and collaborative multimedia production classes.
Mitchell’s artworks explore spatial and experiential relationships to our
physical, social, cultural and psychological environment through
interaction. She typically develops large-scale immersive installations that
integrate electronics, animation and audio to create responsive art
environments. Her electronic installation art and international
collaborative web art projects have been exhibited at ISEA, Prix Ars
Electronica, and Digital Salon among others.

Upgrade! Boston (http://www.turbulence.org/upgrade/about.html) is curated by
Jo-Anne Green for Turbulence.org (http://turbulence.org) in partnership with
Art Interactive (http://artinteractive.org). It is one of 19 nodes currently
active in Upgrade! International (http://theupgrade.net), an emerging
network of autonomous nodes united by art, technology, and a commitment to
bridging cultural divides. If you would like to present your work or get
involved, please email jo at turbulence.org.

If you no longer wish to receive these notices, please reply to this email
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Jo-Anne Green, Co-Director
New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc.: http://new-radio.org
New York: 917.548.7780 • Boston: 617.522.3856
Turbulence: http://turbulence.org
New American Radio: http://somewhere.org
Networked_Performance Blog: http://turbulence.org/blog
Upgrade! Boston: http://turbulence.org/upgrade 

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