[NetBehaviour] submissions
notfrog at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 07:42:25 CEST 2007
this was meant to be a private mail; nonetheless - submissions for
coupremine issue 4 are currently open; we take email-art, visual work,
sound work (around 30 seconds), video/flash (15-20/looping), code poetry etc
etc and everything in between. as it says below, special interest in the
multilingual, the noisy etc
> oo - thanks for this - please send me some spanish stuff for
> http://coupremine.blogspot.com
> i was enthused to find a spanish-writer here! i've been looking for a
> while for interesting ones - haven't had much luck. i'm into the
> multilingual and i've had more luck with french for example (check
> http://zswound.blogspot.com for more of that) - so by all means, if you
> know of other interesting/subversive/avant-garde writers in spanish,
> please let me know
> eric
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "..ooOO ( media idea )" <mediaidea at arkania.org>
> To: "NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity"
> <netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org>
> Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2007 3:51 AM
> Subject: [NetBehaviour] Re: [solitude] -> polimerizacion.exe
>> reading contents of package
>> extracting polimeros
>> preparing to install
>> polimerización inizialating
>> i accept the terms of the polimerización licence
>> i wait until the polimerización wizard installs itself.
>> this may take several years
>> copying new files
>> creating shortcuts
>> writing sistem preferences
>> installation wizard completed
>> gracias, rzep !
>> rzep escribió:
>>> los siglos infierno,
>>> articulado hielo,
>>> abandano, estupidez, desidia
>>> asoman directorios /// childly /// himnos revestidos
>>> yaestamosttodaviaconlamismaemocien
>>> la solucion
>>> repite
>>> la practica hace la polimerizacion
>>> ejemplar,(autografiado
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "..ooOO ( media idea )" <mediaidea at arkania.org>
>>> To: "NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity"
>>> <netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org>
>>> Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2007 2:40 AM
>>> Subject: [NetBehaviour] -> a hundred years of solitude
>>>> i'm fed up, i'm bored.
>>>> i write in spanish.
>>>> i just can't stand it anymore,
>>>> i send this, just in case 1 reader of netB knows spanish,
>>>> apologies, i can't translate it 2 english, but i have the need
>>>> of expressing
>>>> it's kind of important.
>>>> it is
>>>> <i>the real academy of my boredom's hymne
>>>> after my today's traditional walking
>>>> on current affairs department</i>
>>>> ---
>>>> cien años de aburrimiento
>>>> cien años de abandono
>>>> cien años de desidia
>>>> cien años de estupidez
>>>> mental
>>>> cien años de estancamiento
>>>> cien años de mal olor
>>>> cien años de cien años de cien años
>>>> aj
>>>> cien cien cien cien cien
>>>> años y años y años
>>>> de siglos pasados
>>>> y soledad transitada como un hueso absorto
>>>> en el revuelo de rostros
>>>> que se asoman para ver el milagro en un hueso
>>>> de hielo, estupendo,
>>>> soledad a cien!,
>>>> grita el vocero,
>>>> tengo 5 ejemplares de cien y 7 son autografiados,
>>>> soledad,
>>>> y en aquella esquina apartada miguel angel asturias
>>>> dialoga con el diablo
>>>> sobre su próximo cuento,
>>>> cien yaestamosotravezconlomismo
>>>> cien años para pasar página,
>>>> cien años abriendo puerta para que cien inicie su peregrinación a
>>>> través de los 7 círculos del infierno, del purgatorio, del cielo,
>>>> y llegue a dios,
>>>> y le entregue otro ejemplar,
>>>> (autografiado, claro)
>>>> en el momento en el que el flash
>>>> ilumina
>>>> para retratar el momento
>>>> deme cien, por favor,
>>>> y déjese ya de años,
>>>> humildemente
>>>> descienda
>>>> a los abismos del tiempo,
>>>> deje paso, si es usted tan amable,
>>>> caballero soledad cien años de
>>>> gracias
>>>> [himno de mi real academia del cansancio
>>>> tras su tradicional paseo diario
>>>> por la actualidad]
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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