[NetBehaviour] b.TWEEN 07 Showcase call for art works

marc marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Thu Apr 5 14:16:25 CEST 2007

Hi Marc,

Could you send this to the Netbehaviour list, I've heard that there are 
some pretty decent people on there...

Many thanks,


      b.TWEEN 07 Showcase call for art works

b.TWEEN 07 is on the look out for Information Artists who have existing 
interactive art works. They should be based in popular culture (games, 
online communities etc) to be part of a showcase at our two day 
Interactive Media Forum. The works must be accessible to a wide audience 
and work well in a busy public space.

Go to _http://www.just-b.com/btween_ and click through to gallery.
This years event will be at the National Media Museum, Bradford from 
14th–15th June 2007.
b.TWEEN is the gathering of the year for new media professionals, 
creative technologists and digital entrepreneurs.   It is the place 
where creativity and commerce collide.
The two day event is much more than a conference, with a packed 
programme of talks, workshops, international specialists, ground 
breaking companies and, possibly, your pioneering digital art project too!
Last year b.TWEEN 06 presented a programme of over 35 international 
industry experts including Lord David Puttnam, Robbie Stamp (Executive 
Producer, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) and John Sanborn (Creative 
Director, eBay).

The conference sat alongside a cutting edge interactive showcase that 
included two social networking applications commissioned specially for 
b.TWEEN 06.  The showcase spilled out into the urban spaces around the 
museum and works were shown on the brand new urban screen in the heart 
of the regenerating city.

Markus Quarta, Artist: Someth:ng said “Being part of the b.TWEEN 
Showcase was an enriching experience connecting us with industry players”
If you want to have this experience too please send a synopsis (maximum 
1 side of A4) together with supporting documentation to _alex at just-b.com
For more information feel free to phone on 01142210589.
Deadline – 23 April 2007

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