[NetBehaviour] > about f451.es
Björn Eriksson
nowerik at telia.com
Fri Apr 13 16:23:27 CEST 2007
yes -- good questions. know that feeling too.
first semantic web and now web 3.0 -
tim berners-lee and company are working
hard and fast.
on one hand this is really interesting technology coming into existence and
also in new contexts - on other hand - it might be not so fun considering
living in a transparent world, getting even more transparent - where every
thought (at least those typed down) - are instant access - everywhere -
good questions.
björn eriksson
----- Original Message -----
From: "@-_q @@" <mediaidea at arkania.org>
To: "NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity"
<netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org>
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2007 9:15 AM
Subject: [NetBehaviour] > about f451.es
>i suddendly had that feeling of indigestion
> i deleted my 3 net diaries, the older one began in 2001.
> 6 years writing and photoshoping every day.
> ... that makes aprox. 2.190 days, aprox. lots and lots of words and
> thoughts...
> and all around the world, people writing net diaries or blogs... lots and
> lots and lots and lots... of words, thoughts... ajjj
> i felt sick.
> i would like to sit down and see what i've done in 6 years in order to
> know what i know...
> i would like to see if i can order what i know and share it in other ways.
> do a sort of thougths juice. like when we squeeze out an orange, i want to
> squeeze out me... to see if there's any juice !
> but
> at
> the
> same
> time
> i became suspicious with the net:
> who owns blogger?
> how many money is [ he/she/they ] doing just because i use [
> his/her/their ] freesoftware?
> who owns blogger and google ?!
> google knows even the streets i've looked for in the past 3 months !
> what does google know about me?
> what does google do with that knowledge?
> does google offer me a service and making my life easier or is it making
> money without telling me how? both? is there anything else?
> how much free is internet nowadays?
> blogger had my 6 years-work in its server, my words, my pictures...
> blogger keeps a copy for itself and sends another to my server.
> smart aplication.
> ( ... )
> and as i see that there's not such an expressed feeling of this among the
> people i netknow, i share it... to see if anyone else is feeling sort of
> the same feeling...
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