[NetBehaviour] OurFloatingPoints 4: The Art of Living a Second Life

Turbulence turbulence at turbulence.org
Tue Apr 17 16:17:41 CEST 2007

Emerson College, New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc./Turbulence.org, and the
Museum of Science present:

OurFloatingPoints 4: The Art of Living a Second Life

DATE: April 25, 7 pm
*NEW VENUE*: Museum of Science, Cahners Theater
STREAMED LIVE: http://institute.emerson.edu/floatingpoints/2007/live.php

A panel discussion with Wagner James Au (aka Hamlet Linden), John Lester
(aka Pathfinder Linden), and John (Craig) Freeman (aka JC Freemont);
moderated by Eric Gordon (aka Boston Borst).

Called "the biggest digital art installation in the world" (Warren Ellis),
Second Life is a highly imaginative, online, 3-D rendered environment
populated with avatars (graphic representations of people). In Second Life
you can teleport, fly, live in a house, go to clubs, take classes, make and
view art, or just "hang out." You cannot drown and you do not age. Spanning
more than 42,000 acres in real-world scale--larger than metropolitan
Boston--Second Life is second home to over 2 million "residents," many of
whom collaboratively create its content. It is a place where real business
is conducted using virtual dollars that can also be traded in the real
world. Join us during the Boston Cyberarts Festival for a discussion about
the creative, social and economic implications of Second Life.

For more information about the series, please visit

Jo-Anne Green, Co-Director
New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc.: http://new-radio.org
New York: 917.548.7780 . Boston: 617.522.3856
Turbulence: http://turbulence.org
Networked_Performance Blog: http://turbulence.org/blog
Networked_Music_Review: http://turbulence.org/networked_music_review
Upgrade! Boston: http://turbulence.org/upgrade 
New American Radio: http://somewhere.org

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