[NetBehaviour] THE TEMPORARY MEDIASHED at Enter_Unknown Territories, April 26th-29th.

marc marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Mon Apr 23 13:35:57 CEST 2007

*The MediaShed invites you to:

THE TEMPORARY MEDIASHED at Enter_Unknown Territories, April 26th-29th
*Dome 1, Parkers Piece, Cambridge.

/Free-media from the Mouth of the Thames
/The MediaShed is the first ‘free-media’ space in the East of England, 
located in Southend-on-Sea. Now you can experience it for yourself by 
visiting the temporary MediaShed in Parker’s Piece. Join in with 
activities such as video sniffin’ local CCTV cameras, Data Jamming, 
flying “spy-kites” over Cambridge or just making use of the recycled PC 
internet café. Guest slots are available each day for other free-media 
artists to present their work.

/Programme of events:

12:00 – 13:00
Welcome to the MediaShed!
The MediaShed was set up last year after a workshop involving local 
artists, designers, arts organisers, computer engineers and technicians. 
What is special about the MediaShed model that made us choose it for 

13:00 – 14:00
Social Telephony: from Cromwell’s Head to Congolese Street Phones 
(Richard Wright) _http://www.mediashed.org/?q=telephony_
Mongrel has been developing new forms of “contagious” telephone media to 
engage marginalised communities that have fallen outside of mainstream 
media. Using cheap telephony cards and free software these projects 
allow people to build social networks by passing phone calls between 
each other.

14:00 – 15:00
Free LED Sculpture Workshops (Mark Dixon)
We will be getting people to contribute to the NETWORK covering the main 
dome viewable in the evening. Workshops will be a very friendly hands-on 
event. Accessible to ALL ages.

15:00 – 15:30
“SkintStream” uses streaming media to connect audiences and grass roots 
sound producers previously separated by economic, geographic and 
political distances – a “poor to poor” network. SkintStream.net radio 
and the “SkintStream Europe” network are now taking this to the next level.

15:30 – 16:00
AWSoM (Stuart Bowditch & Damien Robinson)
AWSoM - the Ambient Weather Sound Machine - uses found-sounds, triggered 
by the weather on recycled and found technologies to recreate 
environmental sound and feelscapes.

16:00 – 16:30
Antarctic Data Jam – “Dance to the Sound of the Ice Caps Melting”
/MediaShed launches the CD/DVD of the Antarctic Data Jam sessions
/In February 2007, Adam Hyde from r a d i o q u a l i a set up the first 
artists radio station on the South Pole, beaming back cold Antarctic 
data to the MediaShed and The Junction to be melted into pulsating audio 
visual performances by members of the public.

16:30 – 17:00 (outside the Dome)
Video Sniffin' (David Valentine)
Hack wireless CCTV cameras while strolling through the streets of 
Cambridge. Video Sniffin' means you can create your own television 
studio within the buildings, shopping centers or streets of any town.

FRIDAY 27 April

11:00 – 12:00
On The Fly: VJ Mokital (Mike Lowther)
Free and informal visual performance workshop using free open source 
software, video distortion, live insects and humans.

12:00 – 13:00
The Mimeticon: How to Talk to Images (Richard Wright)
*Although we are used to hunting for images using search engines, we 
still have to use words to describe them. “The Mimeticon” is a search 
engine that uses visual similarity to find images that could not be 
retrieved in any other way. It is also an artwork about the visual 
history of writing.

13:00 – 14:00
NetMonster: The Networked Image (Harwood)
The "NetMonster" is designed to continuously generate a “networked 
image” of the internet. Made up out of the results of internet searches 
guided by various keywords, it allows people to collaboratively build up 
a composite “snapshot” of the internet out of images, text and addresses.

14:00 – 15:00
gearbox.mediashed.org (The Free-media Video Toolkit)*
*A collaboration with Eyebeam in New York, “gearbox” will create an 
online toolkit for young people to make low budget videos using free and 
open source software. Touring throughout the Eastern region by the end 
of 2007. If you are interested in learning more about the tour there 
will be a meeting directly afterwards.

16:30 – 17:00 (outside the Dome)
Video Sniffin' (David Valentine)
Hack wireless CCTV cameras while strolling through the streets of 
Cambridge. Video Sniffin' means you can create your own television 
studio within the buildings, shopping centers or streets of any town.


12:00 – 16:00
Retro Gaming (Tommy and Phil Pope)
Despite the likes of Xbox 360's and Playstation 3's, games are becoming 
more and more bland. It's time for people to get reacquainted with 
classics from the past that still boast unbeatable game play. Come and 
experience the games that helped shape the industry and kept us 
imprisoned in our bedrooms.

12:00 – 16:00 (outside the Dome)
Spy Kiting
Fly kites equipped with CCTV cameras in Parker’s Piece and get an aerial 
‘spy-cam’ view of the area. The images will be beamed directly to 
screens in the MediaShed.

12:00 – 16:00 (outside the Dome)
Video Sniffin' (David Valentine)
Hack wireless CCTV cameras while strolling through the streets of 
Cambridge. Video Sniffin' means you can create your own television 
studio within the buildings, shopping centers or streets of any town.

16:00 – 18:00
E2PROM (David Valentine)
_http://www.mediashed.org/?q=e2prom_ *
*The E2Prom (pronounced ee-prom; the ² is silent) events showcase the 
best of local work alongside international talent in animation, 
photography, film and electronica, giving them a chance for critical 
feedback and exposure to new ideas.

SUNDAY 29 April

10:00 – 14:00
Retro Gaming (Tommy and Phil Pope)
It's time for people to get reacquainted with classics from the past 
that still boast unbeatable game play. Come and experience the games 
that helped shape the industry and kept us imprisoned in our bedrooms.

10:00 – 14:00 (outside the Dome)
Spy Kiting
Fly kites equipped with CCTV cameras in Parker’s Piece and get an aerial 
‘spy-cam’ view of the area. The images will be beamed directly to 
screens in the MediaShed.

10:00 – 14:00 (outside the Dome)
Video Sniffin' (David Valentine)
Hack wireless CCTV cameras while strolling through the streets of 
Cambridge. Video Sniffin' means you can create your own television 
studio within the buildings, shopping centers or streets of any town.

12:00 – 14:00 (outside the dome)
We will be breaking-down Mark Dixon’s “Network” LED sculpture for 
distribution around the city so people can come back and collect their 
workshop work and help distribute the 3000 units on display

/Every night on the MediaShed dome from 18:00
Network (Mark Dixon)
A visually exciting artwork to animate the dome structure during the 
night. Using custom electronics and ultrabright LEDs Mark will create a 
work that will visibly respond to wireless activity such as mobile 
phones using thousands of LED’s to cover the outer skin of the centre dome.

/Every day outside the MediaShed dome:
Inflatables (Gordon Flemons)
“Inflatables” subvert the classical understanding of buildings as being 
solid, permanent, and worthy. Instead, the use of materials such as 
polythene bin bags and plastic shopping bags emphasises their qualities 
as hollow, ephemeral, and playful.

General Info

• Parker's Piece is located in the centre of Cambridge, bordered by Park 
Terrace, Regent Terrace, Parkside and Gonville Place. 
• The Temporary MediaShed is part of the Enter_net festival and as with 
all the Festival's exhibitions, and public events, it is free. You can 
find out more about the festival and the conference at www.enternet.org.uk
• The MediaShed is an community interest company set up by Mongrel 
members, an internationally recognised artists group specialising in 
digital media. Mongrel is supported through Arts Council England's 
Grants for the Arts.

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