[NetBehaviour] First Armed Robots on Patrol in Iraq (Updated).

b xperimënts mediaidea at arkania.org
Sun Aug 5 01:48:48 CEST 2007

i just don't want to realize,

why don't they work over their bridges ???

i said to an american citizen to arrange their bridges with iraq's war 
money and i think he's cross with me...

encouragement to crackers,


Rob Myers escribió:
> Andrej Tisma wrote:
>>> Remember, the robot is just a remote controlled gun. It doesn't decide
>>> what to shoot.
>> Oh that is comforting. Thanks for technical ehplanation.
>> But what if insurgent get (or make) SWARDS' remote control, and desable the 
>> "kill switch"?
> One of the certainties of life is that crackers will always be ahead of 
> patchers. So, yes, the users of these systems will have to be careful.
> - Rob.
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