[NetBehaviour] ype: t

me lst at x257.com
Tue Aug 14 23:35:59 CEST 2007

ype:  text/plain;charset=iso  8859  1    Content  Transfer  Encoding:  quo
ted  printable        Since  eye  scream  inevitably  leads  to  recoll
ection  we'd  have  to  invent  an    alternate  term.  I  propose  't
rout'.        It's  scaleless  skin,  lovely  superficial  colouration
  and  canny  Membership  Agreement  available  online  at  http://rhi
zome.org/info/29.php    This  is  a  multi  part  message  in  MIME  fo
rmat...                                =_1187077337  45843  248    Content  Type:  te
xt/plain;charset=iso  8859  1    Content  Transfer  Encoding:  quoted  prin
table        claudia  westermann  said:        The  French  weren't  f
amiliar  with  Occam,  I  suspect    UGSHOW  #12++    Friday,  August\
.10,  2007  /  9:30  PM      FOO,  Chaos  Communication  Camp,  Finowu
rt        http://www.monochrom.at/taugshow/taugshow12.htm        The  
flat  hierarchies  of  talk  shows  are  about  as  subversive  as  NY
C      Democrats  smoking  dope.  But  count  us  out!  We  XACT!  ALL
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