[NetBehaviour] ype: t

james jwm-art net james at jwm-art.net
Wed Aug 15 23:24:42 CEST 2007

On 15/8/2007, "ARN" <info at x-arn.org> wrote:

>> I think I preferred the images to be honest. This I can't quite tell
>> what it is meant to do. I can't help thinking it does not what it's
>> meant to.
>why always looking for a meaning ? i'm not sure something should always
>mean something (else than what it is, in reality). in fact, to be honest
>too, i believe in the contrary: a piece of art should not have a
>determined meaning, so it remain open to high potential of
>interpretations (for those looking for meaning).
>art is not communication, despite the big current confusion.

this is a fair point, but i've been more trying to understand what is
happening rather than 'what it means' - though that could be
considered meaning. i program now and again. i naturally expect things
to be clear and this is not clear: what is happening when i do this or
that with it?


>> Like what was said about the images, can't there be more
>> control over it? Instead of chars to link/click, a string to
>> type/submit. ??? [slightly overwhelmed] ???
>and.. why are you looking for more control ?

i don't know. perhaps control was the wrong word. perhaps influence is a
better word. a greater array of influence, or choice in the matter, just
to be able to....

>http://www.x257.com/asrf/ seems not to be a tool allowing you to produce
>something you have the feeling to choose, it looks more like a simple
>coded machine in the networked reality we share.

but a machine, in the traditional sense has a purpose, function,
predicatability. this is purposeless and therefor of no value ( ? )

>> it's too spammy.
>may be, that's a matter of style perception concerning machine outputs.

hmmm. does that not count for anything?  :)

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