[NetBehaviour] ype: t

b xperimënts mediaidea at arkania.org
Thu Aug 16 16:29:25 CEST 2007

i know it, but people is working out computers, pc's, with old pc's, and 
there are some small village that have satellite conection and are 
interchanging knowledge, know how to survive in extreme conditions, 
information about sickness, sun pannels and how to clean water...

so maybe they will be more phisically capable to fly to the moon that a 
citizen from a western city. they are stronger than us.

from that point of view, net.art, to me, has to be acurate in beauty and 

_ as soon as i can, i will read about linux in mac and even learn how to 
work in linux sistem... i hope someone who work in linux and can help me !!


rob at robmyers.org escribió:
> Quoting b xperimënts <mediaidea at arkania.org>:
>> i agree with your last sentence, but
>> not anyone can buy a mac, isn't it?
>> so... the software is not as free as it would be in a pc feed by linux,
>> isn't it?
> Emacs is part of Linux (as well as running on Mac and Windows). It's  
> by the GNU project, who do most of the tools that Linux uses. They  
> call it GNU/Linux.
> http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/
>> ___ sorry, i just want to learn and interchange ideas
> Oh yes, me too. You raise a good point about the economics and social  
> reach of technology. Most of the world doesn't have a telephone never  
> mind a computer. So net.art might as well be on the moon for most of  
> the world's population.
> - Rob.
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