[NetBehaviour] ype: t

james jwm-art net james at jwm-art.net
Fri Aug 17 12:48:51 CEST 2007

On 16/8/2007, "ARN" <info at x-arn.org> wrote:
>rob at robmyers.org a écrit :
>> Quoting ARN <info at x-arn.org>:
>>> a software is always a black box for the user.
>> Not if you're an Emacs user. ;-)
>may be, but are you sure you have a clear view and knowledge about all 
>the layers and components in the global system connected to your 
>terminal, and required by the software ? let's say for example... what 
>about the quantic level of interactions between particles in the core of 
>the nuclear reactor feeding the computer with electricity ? ;-)

or even do you understand the operation of the electrical pulses in your
brain controlling your fingers to press the little ditty keys on the

there's a term for this, can't remember it. but for you asrf work, the
lack of understanding manifests at the topmost level, (maybe i should
just try working it out again!?!?!) ...so i don't think bringing these
other things into it really works.

somewhere you said it is a big mistake to think that art is communication.

is there any proof of this? because i think it is of course
communication. if art is not communication, then what is?

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