[NetBehaviour] The Software Awards Scam.

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Sat Aug 18 21:38:21 CEST 2007

The Software Awards Scam.

The worthlessness of some "5-star" awards.

Andy Brice, a UK-based software developer, packaged up a little text 
file full of the words "This software does nothing" as an EXE and named 
it "awardmestars."

So far his self-proclaiming useless program has garnered sixteen 5-star 
awards from download sites he submitted it to. Brice concludes that many 
of the download sites are "just electronic dung heaps, using fake 
awards, dubious SEO and content misappropriated from PAD files in a 
pathetic attempt to make a few dollars from Google Adwords.


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