[NetBehaviour] communication: 'ype:t_comm'
james jwm-art net
james at jwm-art.net
Sun Aug 19 19:44:42 CEST 2007
i'm getting upset now.
can you then just clarify for me this statement:
"art is not communication".
art is not just communication?
art is not the act of communication?
art is not communicating?
art does not communicate?
why is art not communication?
simple case: artist has idea. artist make art about idea. someone sees
art and understands idea about it.
so therefor has not the art communicated the idea?
On 18/8/2007, "Ken Turner" <ken at sqallp.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
>you're right art is not communication.
>But as cezanne said "I will tell you the truth in painting"
>On Aug 15, 2007, at 10:38, ARN wrote:
>>> I think I preferred the images to be honest. This I can't quite tell
>>> what it is meant to do. I can't help thinking it does not what it's
>>> meant to.
>> why always looking for a meaning ? i'm not sure something should always
>> mean something (else than what it is, in reality). in fact, to be
>> honest
>> too, i believe in the contrary: a piece of art should not have a
>> determined meaning, so it remain open to high potential of
>> interpretations (for those looking for meaning).
>> art is not communication, despite the big current confusion.
>>> Like what was said about the images, can't there be more
>>> control over it? Instead of chars to link/click, a string to
>>> type/submit. ??? [slightly overwhelmed] ???
>> and.. why are you looking for more control ?
>> http://www.x257.com/asrf/ seems not to be a tool allowing you to
>> produce
>> something you have the feeling to choose, it looks more like a simple
>> coded machine in the networked reality we share.
>>> it's too spammy.
>> may be, that's a matter of style perception concerning machine outputs.
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