[NetBehaviour] what remains (quite beautiful)

Peter Ciccariello ciccariello at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 07:52:50 CEST 2007

Simply outstanding Alan - otherworldly.
- Peter

On 8/20/07, Alan Sondheim <sondheim at panix.com> wrote:
> what remains
> because of the faces and powers among our second lives
> and third and others in-between the others; because of
> swollen faces thinned back to pages bones and shadowed flesh
> that nothing stays what was simple and illusion
> and then poetics rounds and fills the world
> among lost pages and inscriptions freed
> from every symbol and symbols freed and world;
> the less are said the farther truth transcends
> because of truths and songs and lights and place
> where bodies turn; because of bodies churned and stretched
> among beams of those lights and those songs; those truths
> nothing stays back nothing; valleys fill with jostled things
> and things churn symbols; the world
> fills silence; skies get dark kiss; welkin
> http://www.asondheim.org/whatremains.mp4
> song singer azure carter
> words video alan sondheim
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Image - http://invisiblenotes.blogspot.com/
Word - http://poemsfromprovidence.blogspot.com/
Photography -  http://uncommonvision.blogspot.com/

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