[NetBehaviour] communication: 'ype:t_comm'
james jwm-art net
james at jwm-art.net
Mon Aug 20 21:06:41 CEST 2007
Thanks Ken, this does help.
I'm not sure I want to read the nonsense in the arts council debate!
I'd rather hear a personal view about art than that of the arts council.
Some of the things both you and ARN have said I already (partially)
understand, or am aware of, but like i said, my mind got stuck on the
'art is not communication' - soundbite if you will.
On 20/8/2007, "Ken Turner" <ken at sqallp.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
>well, I suppose it's my view, but the art is how you receive the work,
>how it affects your feelings. it is not actually in the work. The work
>itself is a platform of ideas that signify the idea of immanence as a
>form of transcendence. In this sense the work expresses something
>outside the work itself. The 'message ' is not readily available as a
>form of communication. That is why different people respond differently
>to various works of art.
>I know it's a mute point, and maybe I'm not expressing this clearly
>enough but I do believe there is confusion about what art is and does,
>and sometimes it is easier to say art communicates, and leave it at
>that. You aught to read the nonsense in the arts council debate about
>what art is. The researchers have come to the conclusion the art is
>'self expression'
>If it's just that then we are all up the whatever creek we wish.
>Just trying to help
>On Aug 19, 2007, at 18:44, james jwm-art net wrote:
>> i'm getting upset now.
>> can you then just clarify for me this statement:
>> "art is not communication".
>> art is not just communication?
>> art is not the act of communication?
>> art is not communicating?
>> art does not communicate?
>> ****?????____WHY____?????*****
>> why is art not communication?
>> simple case: artist has idea. artist make art about idea. someone sees
>> art and understands idea about it.
>> so therefor has not the art communicated the idea?
>> On 18/8/2007, "Ken Turner" <ken at sqallp.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
>>> you're right art is not communication.
>>> But as cezanne said "I will tell you the truth in painting"
>>> ken
>>> On Aug 15, 2007, at 10:38, ARN wrote:
>>>>> I think I preferred the images to be honest. This I can't quite tell
>>>>> what it is meant to do. I can't help thinking it does not what it's
>>>>> meant to.
>>>> why always looking for a meaning ? i'm not sure something should
>>>> always
>>>> mean something (else than what it is, in reality). in fact, to be
>>>> honest
>>>> too, i believe in the contrary: a piece of art should not have a
>>>> determined meaning, so it remain open to high potential of
>>>> interpretations (for those looking for meaning).
>>>> art is not communication, despite the big current confusion.
>>>>> Like what was said about the images, can't there be more
>>>>> control over it? Instead of chars to link/click, a string to
>>>>> type/submit. ??? [slightly overwhelmed] ???
>>>> and.. why are you looking for more control ?
>>>> http://www.x257.com/asrf/ seems not to be a tool allowing you to
>>>> produce
>>>> something you have the feeling to choose, it looks more like a simple
>>>> coded machine in the networked reality we share.
>>>>> it's too spammy.
>>>> may be, that's a matter of style perception concerning machine
>>>> outputs.
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