[NetBehaviour] The Northern Way Virtual Gateway Commission

Taylor Nuttall taylor at greenquarter.co.uk
Fri Aug 24 21:57:14 CEST 2007


*The Northern Way Virtual Gateway Commission*

*The Northern Way*, working with Arts Council England to deliver the 
£10m ‘Welcome to the North’ public art programme, wishes to commission a 
truly innovative and original virtual artwork ‘Gateway to the North’.

Tenders are invited from organisations seeking to work with a named 
artist(s), individual artists or collaborating artists for this major 

The emphasis of this new commission will be on its virtual long-term 
presence, although it can also include physical manifestations that make 
a link between the real and virtual, and is open to a range of artforms 
and media including: sound, software art, blogging, performance and 
events, online worlds and mapping systems eg Second Life, GoogleEarth. 
The proposals will need to include a web-based accessible platform and 
applicants are also welcome to consider the use of a number of other 
distribution and presentation platforms such as podcasts and videocasts; 
CD and DVD; mobile phones and locative media.

The commission will:


      Make connections across the three Northern regions


      Reference and conceptualise the North through its geographical,
      social, cultural and economic landscapes


      Provide an opportunity for all users to engage with the commission


      Provide a platform which is accessible to local, regional,
      national and international audiences


      Represent or consider the North in all its diversity.

The proposal will also need to include a detailed education programme, 
evaluation programme and PR/marketing.

            *The commission must be completed no later than the end of
            March 2008.*

            The commission is open to artists in the UK and beyond.

            Full details and specifications are available from: Kath
            Savage on 01924 486 212 or _kath.savage at artscouncil.org.uk
            <mailto:kath.savage at artscouncil.org.uk>_

            *The closing date for applications is 14 September 2007, 12

            Shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview to
            present their proposals.

*The Northern Way* a unique collaboration of regions and cities from 
across the North of England, led by the three Northern Regional 
Development Agencies: Yorkshire Forward, Northwest Regional Development 
Agency and One NorthEast.

This is a 20 year strategy to transform the economy of the North of 
England. Success will be determined by the bridging of a £30 billion 
output gap between the North and the average for England.

More information about Arts Council England and the Northern Way can be 
found at _www.artscouncil.org.uk <http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/>_ and 

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