[NetBehaviour] NetBehaviour Digest, Vol 119, Issue 2

Ana Valdés agora158 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 00:51:32 CEST 2007

Very funny, as an old activist (four years in jail, etc, etc), I am
fully conscient nothing can be achieved by sheer will or alone.
Bauhaus was the expression of a special time, the Weimar republic and
it's contradictions, the Factory was the expression of Warhol carisma
and his need of an arena for his own productions. We need other
expressions and other arenas, I am discussing in -empyre the value of
the new virtual worlds as frames for activism and art. Many argue than
Second Life can transform itself to one of those creative hubs I long
to, but I have been in SL several times and never been attracted to
it, a bit too sterile and chic for me :)
But I am game if someone is interested in a virtual or not virtual Bauhaus...

On 8/30/07, Helen Varley Jamieson <helen at creative-catalyst.com> wrote:
> please don't wait for it, make it happen if it's what you really want ...
> h : )
> >I was in Faces myself, but never found it was useful to generate new
> >thinking, it was most linking and socializing among women who knew
> >each other. But it was not a great collaborative place...
> >I think Marc's Furtherfield, Post.Thing, -empyre are this list are for
> >me the places where I find myself most intellectual nutrition.
> >Faces was (is?) most a linking to people's projects but not a
> >discussion place.
> >I am still waiting for a net Bauhaus, a net The Factory...
> >
> >Ana
> >
> --
> ____________________________________________________________
> helen varley jamieson: creative catalyst
> helen at creative-catalyst.com
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