[NetBehaviour] [ambientTV.NET] The FACELESS Project @ Ars Electronica (AT)

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Sat Sep 1 18:37:28 CEST 2007

Manu Luksch and The FACELESS Project 
@ ARS ELECTRONICA Goodbye Privacy
LINZ / AUSTRIA  [5 - 11 September 2007]

Look out here:

for complete programme check online
---> http://www.aec.at/en/festival2007

Goodbye Privacy is the theme of this year’s Ars Electronica, the festival of art, technology and society in Linz, Austria. The focus will be on late-breaking phenomena of a new culture of everyday life, played out between angst-inducing scenarios of seamless surveillance and the zest we bring to staging our public personas via digital media. Panopticon or consummate individual liberty?

The FACELESS Project 
dealt with the legal attributes of CCTV images and lasted from 2002-2007.
Besides the 50 minute sci-fi film, it resulted in a multitude of works including The Manifesto for CCTV Filmmakers; The Eye: Choreography for surveilled space; The Making-of Lounge: Research and behind-the scenes materials; and The Spectral Children: a multiple screen video installation.

---> http://www.ambienttv.net/content/?q=faceless



Montag, 3 September 19:30, OK Offenes Kulturhaus Oberösterreich, Mediendeck, Dametzstraße 30, A-4020 Linz.

DER STANDARD präsentiert
das Montagsgespräch mit Gerfried Sperl zum Thema:

Goodbye Privacy - Informationsfreiheit vs Datenschutz

Es diskutieren:
Manu Luksch, Künstlerin und Gründerin vom ambientTV.net
Ina Zwerger, Ö1 & Kuratorin des Ars Electronica Symposiums 2007
Peter Harlander, Internetjurist und Second Life Entrepreneur
Franz Schmidbauer, Landesgericht Salzburg
Gerfried Stocker, künstlerischer Leiter der Ars Electronica

( In deutscher Sprache. Freier Eintritt. )


curated by Ina Zwerger and Armin Medosch

Thursday, 6 September 14:00 - 17:00  
Kunstuniversität Linz / K2

Helen Nissenbaum (US), Information Law Institute, New York University School of Law: Contextual Integrity, 
Manu Luksch (AT/UK), artist active in net-culture and film, London/Vienna: Faceless; 
Ralf Bendrath (DE), political scientist, University of Bremen: Identity 2.0: From Network Identity to OpenID; 
Volker Grassmuck (DE), media researcher and free-lance author, Berlin: Copyright Instead of Data Protection

Public spaces are increasingly under permanent surveillance—via CCTV cameras in the streets and “dataveillance” in the registers of the information miners and processors. How can the private sphere be reconceptualized so that personal sovereignty doesn’t get lost completely? Could it be possible to construct an “Identity 2.0” that’s custom-tailored to the new technical and social facts of life?

Opening: Wednesday, 5 September 2007

'The Faceless Project: Making-Of Lounge'  (Marienstraße 10)

will be shown alongside works by
Joachim Stein, Andreas Lange, Eva & Franco Mattes, Linda Kostowski & Sascha Pohflepp, Peter William Holden, Paul Kaiser, Demitrios Kargotis, Dash MacDonald, Josef Klammer, Stuard Bow & Damien Robinson, James Powderly, Theodore Watson & Evan Roth, Justine Cooper, Nat Power, Nimrod Weis & Steven Mieszelewicz, Adrian Dabrowski and his team of quintessenz, Andreas Steinhauser, Janek Schaefer, Nik Thoenen & Maia Gusberti, John Henry, Jesse Stiles & Paolo Pedercini, Hiraki Sawa, Elisabeth Schimana, Serafine Lindeman, Aram Bartholl, Florian and Schorsch, Peter Harlander, Dietmar Offenhuber.


Saturday, 8 September 15:30-17:30
Kunstuniversität Linz / K2

Leselounge / Screening Lounge / Diskurs Lounge. Vielfalt der Kulturen vs. Einheitskultur im globalen Dorf. Die UNESCO „Konvention zum Schutz und zur Förderung der Vielfalt kultureller Ausdrucksformen“

Manu Luksch, (London/Wien). 
Karin Neuwirth, Instituts für Rechtsgeschichte, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Angelika Plank, Arbeitskreises für Gleichbehandlungsfragen der Kunstuniversität Linz
Gabriele Eschig, Generalsekretärin Unesco Kommission Österreich

Margit Niederhuber

( In deutscher Sprache. Freier Eintritt. ) 

2007 Ars Electronica READER

The essay  'Chasing the data shadow' by Manu Luksch and Mukul Patel, published in the Reader 'Goodbye Privacy', is also available for  download at 



coming soon:

FACELESS (UK / AT 2007, 50 min)
a CCTV sci-fi fairy-tale directed by Manu Luksch

voiceover by Tilda Swinton
soundtrack by mukul, piano music by Rupert Huber
choreography by The Ballet Boyz
co-produced by Amour Fou Filmproduktion and Ambient Information Systems

FACELESS uses CCTV images obtained under the terms of the UK Data Protection Act as 'legal readymades (objets trouvés)'. Legislation requires that the privacy of other persons be protected when data is released – for CCTV recordings, this is typically done by obscuring their faces. Much of FACELESS is driven by the 'Manifesto for CCTV Filmmakers'. The manifesto states, amongst other things, that additional cameras are not permitted on location, since they are rendered redundant by omnipresent video surveillance. 

SYNOPSIS: In an eerily familiar society, the reformed RealTime calendar dispenses with past and future, and all citizens are faceless. A woman panics when she wakes up with a face. With the help of the Spectral Children she unveils the lost power and history of the human face and begins the search for its future.

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