[NetBehaviour] 2000 9/11s

xDxD xdxd.vs.xdxd at gmail.com
Sat Sep 8 17:15:49 CEST 2007

i just couldn't resist:


terror2.0 on buggy second life.

we are puppets, isn't it?
from over here we see it from  distance. so we can make jokes while 
flying around in second life.
i bet there's some kids who don't think afghanistan even exists. and it 
could be, as a matter of fact: special effects are so clever, these days.


my grandma lived in southern italy during WWII. with the war endng the 
real bombings  started, while americans were chasing nazis and fascists 
out of the country using bombs over bombs.
my grandma was busier trading cheese and flour with fascists than she 
was runnng away from bombs. bombings were scary, but they were there, 
that's all.
her family hid one of the hiding partisans in their house, once. they 
made love quite a few times. her father kicked him out of the house the 
moment he found out.
nazi-fascists ran out of small villages in south italy, while retreating 
up north. they randomly killed  a bunch of people, in the process.
americans came, freed the people from oppression, and in the meantime 
they fucked the hell out of loads of young calabresina girls because 
they just loved their cute dark complexion and rounded figures, and they 
were out of sex from months, anyway.
right after the war USA bought italy with the marshall plan, as they did 
with most of europe's post war nations. no wonder we're so full f USA's 
army/navy/airforce bases. all over. now. today.

war is shit.

orwell is, too.

b xperimënts ha scritto:
> does it matter, lawrence?
> is people a puppet?
> aren't you and me puppets?
> is that a good reason to bomb our houses, our lives?
> ... no matter if we are united states citizens, irak citizens, 
> yugoslavia citizens, france citizens, palestina citizens,
> citizens,
> people,
> human beings...

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