[NetBehaviour] Simulated Worlds.
marc garrett
marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Thu Sep 13 13:54:18 CEST 2007
Simulated Worlds.
A few years before the first landing of an Apollo crew on the moon,
scientists recontoured a volcanic field just outside of Flagstaff,
Arizona, with artificial impact craters resembling those found on Mare
Tranquillitatis, the proposed first manned American landing site.
With high explosives, they terraformed a lunar surrogate right here on
the surface of the earth.
There, during the 60s and 70s, nearly all of the Apollo astronauts who
walked on the moon were taught the basics in extraterrestrial
exploration and earthworks. They learned, among other things, how to do
productive fieldwork using traditional geologic methods such as
observation, mapping and sample collecting. It is there as well that the
tools with which human beings would physically deform another world for
the first time were tried out.
Hammers, adjustable sampling scoops, rakes and tongs, rock drills and
rover vehicles. Together with astronaut boots and gloves, these would
soon leave an imprint, albeit minimal, where before meteors and the
solar wind held a monopoly in lunar resurfacing.
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