[NetBehaviour] Hackers reveal day-to-day dangers.

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Fri Sep 21 10:54:48 CEST 2007

Hackers reveal day-to-day dangers.

By Jonathan Kent.

The BBC's Jonathan Kent attends the Hack In The Box conference in 
Malaysia to hear about the dangers ethical hackers are starting to 
uncover. These days meetings of computer hackers are no longer 
gatherings of pale young men sitting in rooms knee deep in pizza boxes.

Instead they're a magnet for security experts from banks and 
corporations eager to hear the latest in computer security research. The 
annual Hack in the Box conference is first and foremost a gathering of 
"white hat" hackers. If the term seems opaque just think of old Westerns 
in which the bad guys wore black hats.


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