[NetBehaviour] RES: NetBehaviour Digest, Vol 122, Issue 3
Guilherme Augusto F B Fonseca
guilherme.fonseca at itaucultural.org.br
Mon Sep 24 15:52:38 CEST 2007
-----Mensagem original-----
De: netbehaviour-bounces at netbehaviour.org [mailto:netbehaviour-bounces at netbehaviour.org] Em nome de netbehaviour-request at netbehaviour.org
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de setembro de 2007 08:00
Para: netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org
Assunto: NetBehaviour Digest, Vol 122, Issue 3
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Gita (ricardo ruiz)
2. [Nictoglobe] Clash of Discourses: Living in a Hysterical
World (Andreas Jacobs)
(Ryan Griffis)
4. MIT student charged with wearing fake bomb she says was only
art. (marc garrett)
5. [...] would have guessed [...] (Alan Sondheim)
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 10:08:20 -0300
From: ricardo ruiz <doutorsocratesoreidofutebol at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Gita
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
<netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org>
Message-ID: <200709211008.20282.doutorsocratesoreidofutebol at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Hah?! Toca Raul!
?s vezes voc? me pergunta
por que ? que eu sou t?o calado
n?o falo de amor quase nada
nem fico sorrindo ao seu lado
Voc? pensa em min toda hora
me come me cospe me deixa
talvez voc? n?o entenda
mas hoje eu vou lhe mostrar
Que eu sou a a luz das estrelas
eu sou a cor do luar
eu sou as coisas da vida
eu sou o medo de amar
Eu sou o medo do fraco
a for?a da imagina??o
o blefe do jogador
Eu sou, eu fui, eu vou
Git?, git? git? git?
Eu sou o seu sacrif?cio
a placa de contra-m?o
o sangue no olhar do vampiro
e as juras de maldi??o
Eu sou a vela que acende
eu sou a luz que se apaga
eu sou a beira do abismo
eu sou o tudo e o nada
Por que voc? me pergunta?
Perguntas n?o v?o lhe mostrar
que eu sou feito da terra
do fogo da ?gua e do ar
Voc? me tem todo o dia
mas n?o sabe se ? bom ou ruim
Mas saiba que eu estou em voc?
mas voc? n?o est? em mim
Das telhas eu sou o telhado
a pesca do pescador
a letra "A" tem meu nome
dos sonhos eu sou o amor
Eu sou a dona de casa
nos "peg-pagues" do mundo
Eu sou a m?o do carrasco
sou raso, largo, profundo
Eu sou a mosca da sopa,
e o dente do tubar?o
Eu sou os olhos do cego,
e a cegueira da vis?o
? mas eu sou o amargo da l?ngua
a m?e, o pai e o av?
O filho que ainda n?o veio
o in?cio, o fim e o meio
Em Quarta 19 Setembro 2007 13:01, Alan Sondheim escreveu:
> Gita
> Could the ancients hear spherics directly? Oh, I think so!
> Otherwise the drums would not have been constructed with additive
> functions in mind.
> Nor with spectral tonalities in mind.
> Remember, they harbor air and other spherics, closed and vibrating!
> But surely not the aurora, is that additive?
> Or magnetic storms, antipodean lightning strikes, are they additive?
> Every particle has its split-second say! The drum reflects!
> The drum resonates! Eight fingers, two thumbs, the drum resonates!
> Whose counting? I am.
> http://www.asondheim.org/gita1.mp3
> http://www.asondheim.org/gita2.mp3
> http://www.asondheim.org/gita3.mp3
> http://www.asondheim.org/gita4.mp3
> small Nepalese drum
> _______________________________________________
> NetBehaviour mailing list
> NetBehaviour at netbehaviour.org
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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 15:37:33 +0200
From: Andreas Jacobs <ajaco at xs4all.nl>
Subject: [NetBehaviour] [Nictoglobe] Clash of Discourses: Living in a
Hysterical World
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
<netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org>
Message-ID: <C934CFC0-11E9-480A-9F1F-C25AC257D14C at xs4all.nl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252; delsp=yes;
Clash of Discourses: Living in a Hysterical World
Materiality / Immateriality
Money Economy \ Gift Economy
Science / Religion
Aesthetics \ Politics
Private / Public
Individual \ Collective
Elite / Masses
Socialism \ Fascism
Institutionalized Culture / Underground
The Wise Guys \ The Men from the Streets
Urban / Rural
Outsiders \ Insiders
Literated / Illiterated
Artist \ Audience
Consumer / Producer
Ignorance \ Awareness
Determination of your position, and more,
14 September, 20:30 CEST @ De Balie - Centre for Culture and
Politics, Amsterdam, Nictoglobe organized, using free publicly
accessible open source software tools, developed and provided by de
Balie, a DIY CoolMediaHotTalkShow about 'Creative Resistance, New
Media as Soft Arms'
In case you missed it, see archived show:
Below our call as sent on May 15th 2007:
"Nictoglobe invites you to send a short (max 500 words)
submission which reflects upon ?creative resistance ? new media as
soft arms? as an starting point to develop a more profound and
public, artistic led discussion about this subject."
A. Andreas - Publisher Nictoglobe
Message: 3
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 13:35:18 -0500
From: Ryan Griffis <ryan.griffis at gmail.com>
To: netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org
Message-ID: <61A69FC6-5B15-4A14-98C6-E87497983296 at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed
On Sep 21, 2007, at 6:00 AM, netbehaviour-request at netbehaviour.org
> Please help me, what are these fish? Large schools gathered
> tightly together in the Providence River, Rhode Island.
> They're about 18" in length. I can only guess invasive species,
> maybe ocean-hungry spawning but I DON'T KNOW FISH.
> http://www.asondheim.org/fish8.jpg
> http://www.asondheim.org/fish19.jpg
> Time: late afternoon/early evening.
> Numbers: Approximately 1000.
> Behavior: Swarming, schooling, occasional 'flashing' of sides.
> Color: Seemed almost transparent, grey-blue, dull.
Message: 4
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 00:56:57 +0100
From: marc garrett <marc.garrett at furtherfield.org>
Subject: [NetBehaviour] MIT student charged with wearing fake bomb she
says was only art.
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
<netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org>
Message-ID: <46F45A49.5060708 at furtherfield.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
MIT student charged with wearing fake bomb she says was only art.
By Rodrique Ngowi.
BOSTON --Troopers arrested an MIT student at gunpoint Friday after she
walked into Logan International Airport wearing a computer circuit board
and wiring on her sweatshirt. Authorities call it a fake bomb; she
called it art.
Star Simpson's attorney said the charges against her were an
overreaction, but authorities expressed amazement that someone would
wear such a device eight months after a similar scare in Boston, and six
years after two of the jets hijacked in the Sept. 11 attacks took off
from Logan.
"I'm shocked and appalled that somebody would wear this type of device
to an airport," said State Police Maj. Scott Pare, the airport's
commanding officer.
The terminal was not evacuated and flights were not affected, airport
officials said.
Simpson, 19, of Hawaii, has expertise in electronics and even received a
Congressional citation for her work in robotics, according to her lawyer.
She wore the white circuit board on her chest over a black hooded
sweatshirt, Pare said at a news conference. The battery-powered
rectangular device had nine flashing lights, and Simpson had Play-Doh in
her hands, he said.
Two phrases that looked hand-drawn -- "Socket to me" and "Course VI" --
were written on the back of Simpson's sweatshirt, which authorities
displayed to the media. Course VI appears to refer to MIT's major of
electrical engineering and computer science.
"She said that it was a piece of art and she wanted to stand out on
career day," Pare said. "She claims that it was just art, and that she
was proud of the art and she wanted to display it."
There was a career fair at the university on Thursday, according to the
university's Web site.
Simpson was charged with possessing a hoax device. A not guilty plea was
entered for her and she was released on $750 bail.
Message: 5
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 01:12:35 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim at panix.com>
Subject: [NetBehaviour] [...] would have guessed [...]
To: netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org
Message-ID: <Pine.NEB.4.64.0709220112280.14929 at panix3.panix.com>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
[...] would have guessed [...]
"However, notwithstanding this apparent variety, mantras are always regar-
ded as a form of speech differing from language in that, unlike language,
they are not bound by 'conventions' nor associated with objects, but on
the contrary are oriented toward the very origin of the Word and of the
>From Vac, The Concept of the Word in Selected Hindu Tantras, Andre Padoux,
SUNY Press, 1990.
"The pleasure in the act of Venus is the greatest of the pleasures of the
senses; the matching of it with itch is unproper; ahtough that also be
pleasing to the touch. But the causes are profound. First, all the organs
of the senses qualify the motions of the spirits; and make so many several
species of motions, and pleasure or displeasures thereupon, as there be
diversities of organs. The instruments of sight, hearing, taste, and
smell, are of several frame, and so are the parts for generation.
Therefore Scaliger doth well to make the pleasure of generation a sixth
sense; and if there were any other differing organs, and qualified
perforations for the spirits to pass, there would be more than the five
senses; neither do we well know whether some beasts and birds have not
senses that we know not; and the very scent of dogs is almost a sense by
>From Bacon, Sylva Sylvarum, 693.
"The spline that is numbered as six defines the top of the breasts. It
curves in to form the hollow of the back and the shoulder blades. This
spline is also the widest of the three, because the area between splines
five and six will overlap into the attached arms.
"Spline number seven outlines the middle of the breasts. Its effect on the
shape of the breasts can be seen the clearest in the top view. The nipples
are modeled separately and attached at the very front and slightly to the
sides of spline number seven.
"The eighth spline [...] profiles the base of the breasts. In the front
view, both splines seven and eight curve around to form the roundness of
the breasts. While seven and eight curve down in the front view, number
six curves up. The middle front vertices of splines seven through nine are
moved up to form the thoracic arch. All three splines curve inward at the
back for the shoulder blades and spine."
>From 3-D Human Modeling and Animation, Peter Ratner, Wiley, 1998.
"Why do all men, both foreign and Greek, count in tens, and not in any
other numbers? For instance, they might count 2,3,4,5, and then repeat
one, five, two five, and so on as now they say eleven, twelve, and so on.
Or why do they not stop at a number beyond ten and repeat from there? For
each number is made by putting a preceding number and one, two, and so on
with another number before them, and hence another number is formed, but
they always count from ten as a limit. For as this is invariably done it
clearly cannot be due to chance; for what is invariable and occurs in
every case cannot be a chance arrangement but must be due to nature. [...]
Or is it because all men have ten fingers? Having then counters of a
natural number, they number all other quantities by this number. The
Thracians are the only race who count in fours, because like children they
cannot remember very far, nor have they any use for any large number."
>From Aristotle, Problems, XV, 3, trans. W. S. Hett, Loeb, 1926.
"Their lives are graced through my reading their works come alive.
Devouring their living works compress their lives into one.
Insolence of their letters directed actions of my own.
Coming into fruition of work and life through my reading of them."
>From Textbook of Thinking, Alan Sondheim, open-lock, 1991.
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