[NetBehaviour] exist.pl and communication, what next?

Rob Myers rob at robmyers.org
Fri Aug 1 20:09:26 CEST 2008

Pall Thayer wrote:
> For
> now here's the updated source code with the communications socket that
> outputs the programs code when something is sent. 

Oh cool.

The Affero GPL requires just this behaviour as part of programs covered
by it, so it might be conceptually interesting to licence this version
of existence.pl under the AGPL. Since you are the sole author you can
always place it under a different licence or stop offering it under that
licence. The AGPL would mean that the program would be protected against
anyone else sterilizing it by changing it to not provide its source over
the network, so it would help with its doomed quest for immortality.

- Rob.

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