[NetBehaviour] nukie

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Thu Aug 21 09:00:51 CEST 2008


http://www.alansondheim.org/nukie jpgs

Julu Twine wears my skin which goes to magic places, penetrations by
armies and young maiden youths, milky streams, mossed rocks, spheres with
no landing, manifolds with no surface for a calm and lovely sitting - Julu
Twine wears my skin, wears me, her scent inflames, expands my slivered
organ replete with carved inscription, how useless:Her skins lost in moss
or plans of fabrication, her skins coming foward, damped and suffused, her
skins of warmer weathers, her skins of suckling cocks, her skins of flowed
interiors, such membranes, tissues, of organism she speaks, drools of sex
caught, cauterized:Julu Twine is present, supple and impossible skin, such
pubescent glow, slight swellings everywhere, all surfaces, interiors,
scent among asymptotic spheres, what glows moves into body, twined of the
flames, cool and aroused::

Your my heroin, caffeine, serotonin, miasma, cocaine, hash, alcohol,
strychnine, absinthe, mercury... is in-me my where

heroin, caffeine, serotonin, miasma, cocaine, hash, alcohol, strychnine,
absinthe, mercury...

Your impossible connects my heroin, caffeine, serotonin, miasma, cocaine,
hash, alcohol, strychnine, absinthe, mercury... with needle


srenilyc dna snoitcennoc fo stsehc::.llew sa sevael ,flesti tcejbo eht
,noitatic eht dna etis eht evael i ;nrob-llits si gnihtyreve tub .emit ni
tniop siht ta lacitirc smees taht ygolopot ot yhpargopot morf evom a -
cinagro eht ro cinihcam eht rehtie fo ecalp ni tros niatrec a fo
ytivitcennoc stneserp tsael ta hcihw ',ratava' dna ',edon' ',rednilyc'
sretcarahc htiw gnitirw neeb ev'i .elpoep eht wonk neve t'nod i dna
noisivelet no seispotua fo spuesolc era ereht ,doog t'nsi ereh dnuora swen
eht .uoy ot kcits a dloh t'nac taht seidob ratava htiw ysub oot neeb ev'i
refinnej uoy togrof i:.regnuh ,htaed ,tsud ,snoteleks ,senob ,tsap eht fo
xedni etaciled siht ,ti dnuof i nehw deirc i ho - detnuah ,esaeler
,derehtetnu ,etacifitrec taht evah i ;tirem fo etacifitrec a dedrawa saw
enoemos 1481 ni .etag eht ta retlaf sgnitirw ym os tsuj - sdlrow fo
ytiligarf eht fo ,siht fo dias eb nac tahw .kcabdeef ,ecnalab laropmet ot
deit os ,eligarf os er'yeht - snoitatneserper fo nieks a ni dezinagro era
skrow dna sgnignoleb ym lla .syad fo rettam eht ni ,ylkciuq deneppah hcihw
noisrepsid a ,sedaced revo delbmessa dna dezinagro ehs dlrow eht fo
noisrepsid eht :htaed yna ni sneppah tahw ,deid rehtom ym nehw dnahtsrif
denrael i ;meht evah t'nod netfo dna seman deen sgniht .msinagro dna
noitcennoc fo egrem eht si rewolf eht ,epahs a si rewolf eht ,dnucef
,detcennoc si rewolf eht:.dlrow eht krow .meht tegrof .emit ni tniop siht
ta yrassecen ylno sporp ynam os sa raeppasid taht stcurtsnoc cinihcam
,slexip ,smirp tub gnihton .nrobhtrae ,nrobria ,htriber fo etats tnatsnoc
ni ,sselriah ,desnaelc ,lautriv eht fo yranigami ,laer eht fo tirg eht
,noitatneserper fo seihpargopot ,aidem fo seigolopot ,aidem dna seidob fo
seihpargopot ,erised fo seigolopot ,stnemom lla ,raeppasid sevil fo
sevaehs ,sraeppasid taht yalpsid cinagro ni selor gniyalp-xes

strap dna stnemhcatta fo tesolc drawyaw ym ni si srotcev dna sedon fo
selbat llams ruoY

refinneJ-uluJ em gninrut - strap dna stnemhcatta fo tesolc ym otni spees

tsaerb ruoY

sey sey sey sey sey::secruos rewen ot tniop nettirw retteb seulav fo esu
eht ylerus ,eert eht fo edis rehto eht fo tsdim eht ni ro dnoyeb eb tsum
taht uluj raed gnihtemos s'ereht ,neercs eht gnigrembus seulav ralacs fo
egnar a:esle gnihton dna refinnej tseraed refinnej raed oohoob seitnap ym
ni gnitirw ma i nehw tew yrev yrev eb lliw i won ,uluj raed ,tros taht fo
gnihtemos ro seireuq gnoma snoitairts ro senil fo gnitsil a ro ?erus eb ot
,secruos eseht fo yreuq ro noitseuq a syawla s'ereht:ssel ron erom rehtien
dna ecno desu gnihtemos ton fi ,sevlesruo tuoba yas i dluohs tahw ro ,txet
fo ydob eht ,uluj tseraed ,ydob eht tuohguorht ro ssorca gnilwarc slatineg
dna sevitineg ,sevitcejda dna snuon ,eseht sa erutalctnemom ro tnemom a
hcus eb ereht dluohs

refinnej tseraed ton yeht era ,seitnap gniporg era sdnah dna dnilb
gnilevart era ew ,no rehtruf dna tib tsethgils a tsuj tib tsethgils eht
tsuj ro ,okukin tseraed ,seitnap tsettew ym htiw dne eht yas i erehw siht
si ygde ym ni si sey sey sey sey sey erup ruoY

!ssel ron erom rehtien dna ecno desu gnihtemos ton fi ,sevlesruo tuoba yas
i dluohs tahw ro ,txet fo ydob eht ,uluj tseraed ,ydob eht tuohguorht ro
ssorca gnilwarc slatineg dna sevitineg ,sevitcejda dna snuon ,eseht sa
erutalctnemom ro tnemom a hcus eb ereht dluohs gniytrap eht-fo-uluj sey
sey sey sey sey erup ruoveD

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