[NetBehaviour] Fwd: Urgent call for solidarity, Shocking repression in Turkey! PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY.

Helen Varley Jamieson helen at creative-catalyst.com
Sun Aug 24 02:20:22 CEST 2008

>Urgent call for solidarity,
>Shocking repression in Turkey!
>Greens, environmentalists, peace and nature 
>supporters, and NGO's from all over the World 
>gathered on the 9th of August to join the 20th 
>international Ecotopia gathering being held at 
>Sarikum nature reserve in Sinop, Turkey. 
>Ecotopia gatherings promote sustainable ways of 
>living, harmony with nature, and džscuss social 
>justice issues.  This year, Ecotopia has 
>supported local anti-nuclear groups, raised 
>consciousness of nuclear issues and promoted 
>alternative energy sources.  However, for the 
>last week, local police have been exerting 
>supression on the camp by making regular visits, 
>and following and intimidating participants 
>outside of the camp.
>On Wednesday 20th August, 6 internationals and 5 
>Turkish people were placed under custody while 
>staging a peaceful vigil outside the Atomic 
>Energy Agency (TAEK) in Sinop.  Police have also 
>shown supression towards locals of Gerze town 
>who approached the Ecotopia camp to request 
>solidarity against the Thermal Coal Plant 
>planned for construction in their town.  Today, 
>the 22nd August, approximately 10 armed 
>officers, ordered by the governor of Sinop, 
>raided the Ecotopia camp to threaten forceful 
>eviction if the sžte was not emptied within 3 
>hours.  In summary, 2 days before our legal 
>permit for he site ends, it has been forcefully 
>demanded that we shut down activities 
>In Turkey, where democracy is regressing, the 
>authorities do not tolerate the advocacy of 
>their people to lžve a safe, sustainable and 
>healthy life.  In addition, authorities in the 
>Turkish state and Sinop (where it it planned to 
>build one nuclear technology centre and 3 
>Thermal Coal plants) are džsturbed by the 
>increasing local attention on these projects, 
>and are reluctant to allow people's awareness 
>and knowledge to grow independently.  As 
>participants representing more than 30 
>countries, we are asking for your solidarity, 
>and request you to send the following text to 
>the Turkish authorities using the contact 
>information given below.
>For a nuclear-free world and a more democratic 
>Turkey, let's block the phones and faxes of the 
>Turkish authorities!
>Ecotopia 2008 participants
>EYFA (European Youth For Action)
>SINYAD (Sinop Nükleersiz Kent ve Yas¸am Derneg˜i)
>To whom it may concern,
>We have been informed that the Ecotopia meeting 
>being held at Sarikum nature reserve in Sinop, 
>which was announced and received approval of its 
>permit many months ago, is now undergoing a 
>period of intense police suppression.  This 
>event žs legitimate and legal, and we are 
>demanding that the pressure is released.  We 
>will keep ourselves informed on how this 
>situation develops and will follow up on this 
>request if necessary.
>Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sinop Valilig˜i  ( Governership of Sinop)
>Tel : 0(368) 261 15 00   -  
>Faks: 0368 261 15 02 - 261 55 05   -  
>e-posta: <mailto:valilik at sinop.gov.tr>valilik at sinop.gov.tr
>Türkiye Cumhuriyeti I™çis¸leri Bakanlžg˜ž (Ministry of Internal Affairs) 
>Telefon: +90 (312 )425 72 14
>Faks: + 90 (312) 418 12 60
>E-posta: <mailto:basin at icisleri.gov.tr>basin at icisleri.gov.tr
>Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Džs¸is¸leri Bakanlžg˜ž (M. of External Affairs)
>Telefon: (0312) 292 10 00
>Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Adalet Bakanlžg˜ž (M. of Justice)
>Telefon: 0312 417 77 70
>Fax: 0312 419 33 70
>Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Çevre ve Orman Bakanlžg˜ž (M. of Nature and Forest)
>Telefon: (0312) 207 50 00
>Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Enerji ve Tabi Kaynaklar 
>Bakanlžg˜ž (M. of Energy and Natural Resources)
>Telefon: (312) 212 64 20
>Fax: (312) 223 40 84
><mailto:valilik at sinop.gov.tr>


helen varley jamieson: creative catalyst
helen at creative-catalyst.com

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